In the wake of the devastating earthquake in Japan, many people have united to help and offer their services. This is a list of all the people who are offering Yu-Gi-Oh-related things over at
help_japan . Unless otherwise noted, all offers are either unspecified or for all three series (DM, GX & 5D's).
Art and Artistry Hakuku Laughinghyena (GX)
Bellicosus Guardian_kysra:
here and
here Karnimolly Xatomicsmilex Gnine Offering
Audio Work Hello_ilu (DM)
Blue_eyesgirl (DM)
Graphics Priestess_kaiba Sometimesamuse Blue_eyesgirl Offering
Words Nuitsongeur (DM)
Rose_of_pollux (DM dub)
Live_with_love (DM)
Silvormoon Cynthia_harrell
Dicaxscriptor Priestess_kaiba Arizonaicerose:
here, and
Sexyspoons Heleentje (GX & 5D's)
Insaneladybug (DM)
Forlan (5D's)
Rei17 Nefelosis_lycos (DM)
Alecto_chan (DM)
Yllimilly Safaat_keruth:
fic and
beta services (DM)
Laryna6 Blossomdreams Ryuujitsu:
here and
here Cheeky_eyes (DM & GX)
Claustro_phobia (DM)
Caseyvalhalla (DM)
Karrissarella Ka Astraybucanneer Yugidarkprince Kleine_aster (DM)
Tenshi_no_korin Darkfireburning Guardian_kysra Nuitsongeur Ladybastet92 Jay_kateel (DM)
Greynonentity Kamlist Free_for_a_phee Fiver_chaan Llamajoy Offering
Food Arizonaicerose: tea+chocolate+fanfic
Requesting Alecto_chan: Yu-Gi-Oh DM/Justice League crossover I'll keep updating this list throughout the auction. If there are any broken or wrong links, or if I missed anyone's offer, feel free to tell me in the comments!