Title : Drabbles
Author : Helen C.
Rating : PG-13
Summary : Five Lee-centric drabbles.
Disclaimer : The characters and the universe were created and are owned by Ronald D. Moore and Universal Television Studios to name but a few. No money is being made. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
1. Timing
Lee never planned on making a career in the military.
He resigned his commission three weeks before the war started. The only reason why he wasn't on Caprica when the Cylons attacked was because an Admiral held back the paperwork so Lee could fly during the decommissioning ceremony.
He never wanted to become CAG, but the Fleet was at war and needed pilots. So he did what he had been trained to do and tried to forget that, had the timing been different, he would have died on the Colonies (instead of dying out here, a little more every day).
2. Plans
When Lee resigned his commission, he had no idea what he was going to do with his life. He thought about going to college. He thought about taking a backpack trip around Caprica. He thought about opening a bar.
Nothing definitive, no master plan.
Lee Adama, overthinker, was going to wing that one.
The one thing he never considered was tracking Gianne down and doing the honorable thing.
He'd like to believe that it wasn't fear holding him back, that he just didn't want to repeat his parents' mistakes.
Deep down, though, he knows he was just being a coward.
3. Family
Lee has always suspected that his mother was manic-depressive or... or whatever the hell it's called when someone has mood swings and addictive tendencies such as she did.
He wonders if the near depression that preceded and followed his ejecting from the blackbird is a sign that her insanity got passed along to him with her eye color and her skin completion.
He wonders if his father would love him a little more if he looked a little less like her, if his hair was darker and his temper more stable and he was a little more like Zak.
4. Signs
Lee is mad that his father never saw the signs that he was drowning-after the blackbird incident, after New Caprica, after Kara's death.
How could his father miss the signs that he loved Kara, that learning she had married Anders behind his back felt like a knife through the gut, that he wishes he had followed her in the nebula and left all the pain behind.
Then again, Lee didn't see the signs that his father was tired of fighting until Romo pointed it out to him, so maybe obliviousness is yet another thing that runs into the family.
5. Duty
He wants to give up, sometimes.
He loves his wife, but something is broken between them and it'll never be fixed.
Kara is gone.
He remembers his father's voice over the wireless when Kara flew to her death (and he tried to follow her), remembers the tone more than the actual words.
Some days, that's the only reason why he gets out of bed-that, and his sense of duty.
They're still at war.
He can do his job until the Fleet is safe, until they don't need pilots any more. After that… well, after that, all bets are off.