Well, yes It's not a mug, rather a tumbler and I've been using it to keep pencils and scissors and pens in it. I like to surround myself with pretty Winnie the Pooh things and although I've never drunk from this plastic tumbler and I never will, it's irritating not to have it as clean and pretty as before I know I know I am such a grumbler :p
Comments 2
Jason used to have problems at his workplace with people touching his things when he was off for the weekend. It frustrated him a lot.
It's not a mug, rather a tumbler and I've been using it to keep pencils and scissors and pens in it. I like to surround myself with pretty Winnie the Pooh things and although I've never drunk from this plastic tumbler and I never will, it's irritating not to have it as clean and pretty as before
I know I know I am such a grumbler :p
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