Player Information
Your name/pseudonym: Rhymer
Are you 18 or older at the time of this application? Yes
What gender pronouns do you prefer?: Girl ones
Your email:
Your chat handles: None yet
Do you currently have any other characters in this game? If so, please list them here: N/A
Applying for: Helena Campbell, Mirrormask.
Character Information
Name: Helena Campbell
Nickname/aliases: Bambino (close friends and family only)
Canon: Mirrormask
Canon Type: Movie
Character's LJ:
helenasmaskBrief history of your character: Helena is the daughter of Morris and Joanne Campbell. She was raised by both her parents, a ring master and acrobat respectively in the Campbell's Family Circus. She was home schooled, being taught by both her mother, her father and the other members of the circus, and received a well rounded if not unconventional education.
When she was 15, and specializing in being a particularly horrendous teen, her mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The night of her mothers operation, Helena had a strange dream where she was stuck inside her own drawings. In the dream she was looking for a Mirrormask, which she found with the help (and often anti-help) of Valentine, a citizen of the city. When she woke up the following morning, it was to discover that her mother had survived the operation. Helena forgot the dream and tried her hardest to be a better daughter.
At least she tried to forget the dream. First the appearance of a strange man who reminded her an awful lot like Valentine. Then there was the occasional movement at the corner of her eye, a shadow she could have sworn looked like a large spider scuttling away from her. Then there was the night, several months later, when she was woken by the sound of pebbles striking her window...
Satisfied that her education was complete, Helena begged her parents to allow her to attend art school. They were reluctant at first, since their own life meant they would be away from their daughter for most of the year, but finally they submitted and let her send away her applications. She calls her Aunt-Nan daily, waiting to hear back from her parents while she starts her first year free of the strict schedule of the Campbells Family Circus.
Brief synopsis of your character's personality: Helena is willful, stubborn and can be quite difficult. She has a temper, which isn't as subdued as most people's, and she takes a lot of things for granted. Despite her parents best efforts to raise her well rounded, she will never be like other teenagers, and finds it difficult to make friends. The close proximity to the other performers has made her withdraw into her own space and value her privacy, and at the same time when she is in the company of others she has less social boundaries than the average girl. She'll make a fart joke with the best of them. She doesn't feel the need to hide her temper, nor does she dampen her joy or sense of humor. If she was in a normal high school, they would brand her the 'weirdo' in a heartbeat.
That said, she's not all bad. She has an amazing creative mind, and her parents have to admit that she is extremely talented for a young woman with no formal training. A quirky sense of humor is what draws people in, though she can be very dry it is all dismissed with a wry grin. There is a lot of the clown in her, with no inhibitions she is the first one to pull a stupid face or juggle bananas to lighten the mood. Though she went through a faze when she was younger, she now has no problems dressing up 'like an idiot', provided there is an audience to entertain. Being older, wiser, and allowed to pursue her own dreams has made her appreciate her father more, and his own dreams of running the circus. She will put off doing something she doesn't like, but will do it in the end without too much grumbling. She is loyal to her friends and willing to open her mind to new ideas, if she's in the mood. All in all, despite her unconventional childhood, she's as complex and shallow as an 18 year old girl should be.
Age: 19
Appearance: Helena is about 5'5", with a slim build. She's quite flexible from years of circus training, and walks straight and upright. Her hair is brown, chopped short around her face, and she often just lets it do it's own thing. Her eyes are a dark hazel brown, and she is pretty in a wide eyed kind of way. She generally lives in jeans, t-shirts and black boots.
Game Information
What is the point of your character's canon in which you are introducing your character?: 4 years after the film finished.
Is your character alive or dead at the point of entry to the game?: Alive
What skills does your character have?: Helena can draw, juggle, is quite flexible and has great balance.
Your character will find 10 personal items in their room that the island has placed there. You may only include things that your character would have canonically. Please list them here:
~ A large, half filled sketchbook
~ A box of charcoals
~ Her cuddly sea anenomae
~ The half black half white mask that she wore as 'Bambino'
~ The ceramic moon mask that hung on her mirror at home
~ A pair of worn, fluffy bunny slippers
~ The key she was given by the giants in The City
~ A set of glow in the dark juggling balls
~ Valentines coat
~ The Mirrormask, which is tarnished and has a long hairline crack down the centre.