Because, dammit, I have a sense of humor....
It all started when our Drama 64 teacher decided we should have a theater make-up lesson....
The first picture is supposed to be regular stage makeup, meaning just enhacing your face. Alright, simple enough. All we did was cake up our faces with foundation, higlights, lowlights, bullshit...
Next we have me as an old lady. I was trying to do an "old people" face here, but apparently that went terribly wrong and I just looked like an unemployed crack-addicted prostitute covered in dirt
"Has anyone seen my pimp?"
Saving the best for last, we have my pirate alter ego.
"Argh, ye landlubbers, fetch me rum"
Yes, I totally rocked the man-look. Also, I'm not sure if you can see the bruise on my eye, but I was very proud of this. Oh, and do pay close attention to my five o'clock shadow as I worked really hard to make it look realistic. Shamelessly, this girl and I walked around the costume shop like this for a bit, although I believe the sparkly pink top she was wearing that day definitily ruined our manly vibe. Her pic is too funny, I wish I could post it. She's really blond but she had Fu Manchu mustache action going on. I had a very psychotic yet manly face on when our teacher was taking this picture, but everyone was laughing and I just could not keep it on long enough.
Well that's that, and hope you enjoyed!