Paranormal Romance: Gehenna (Chapter Three) PG13

Oct 20, 2009 18:11

Title: Gehenna (Chapter Three)
Author: HelenT
Rating: PG13
Genre(s) : Paranormal Romance/angst/action
Summary: Whatever she’d been expecting of Hell it wasn’t what Liz Grant found. People and demons alike can be predator or victim. Caught between opposing sides in a fight for eternal life or eternal death, she has no option but to throw caution to ( Read more... )

original fic

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Comments 2

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helent October 22 2009, 09:12:46 UTC
Aw! I'm so sorry that you're ill! The flu sucks, so I'm sending good vibes your way! I'm chuffed that you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks hugely for the comment! ♥


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helent October 22 2009, 21:29:52 UTC
Ah chicken soup--the virus sufferers staple! :P

I'm so glad that you're feeling better. I know how a virus can knock you out *groan*

Thanks so much for the feedback! I know what you mean about the infodump, but thankfully I've written enough AU fanfic to learn how not to do that, lol. I'm tickled that you think the POV changes transist naturally. I don't have a detailed outline, I have a plot outline but haven't started to do detailed chapter notes (yet). I guess that apart from a broad outline and knowing where I want to get to, I'm playing it by ear. :)


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