
Sep 30, 2008 19:48

I Rise from the depths to deliver unto you this meme. I pinched it from nastally (and I'd do it again too!)

It's one of those qanda types, but it seemed actually quite interesting as opposed to inane.

1. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be?
I like the indoors and sleeping, so I'd be a cat. I know it's not very inventive but I have to he honest.

2. What do you do before bedtime?
Depends on which shift I'm on. I mostly don't have very much time, I try and read for a while (it tends to take about 2 pages before Gavin comes in and disturbs me) and then I just fall asleep.

3. What fandom(s) are you most into at the moment?
I never had the attention span for true fandom. I get distracted by new things really easily.

4. You have one day to live. What do you do?
Heroin. It's not like I would have to worry about addiction, and I supposed that's the main drawback of hardcore drugs. Someone would have to inject me though, I don't like needles.

5. What's your favorite game ever?
Something Mario? I quite like Pod once upon a time?

6. What book you are reading now?
Glamorama by Brett Easton Ellis.

7. Do you trust easily?
No. I have trust issues. I have been disappointed in my life by people too much.

8. What was your first big fandom?
I don't know if I've ever had a proper fandom? I've liked stuff but after about 6 months of obsessions I give up. I'm a bit of a fair weather fan? I loved David Duchovny in the X files, I think he was my first love.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?

10. What's your pet peeve?
When men assume I know nothing about computers? Does that count?

11. What's one childhood item that you still have with you today?
Pink Teddy.

12. What websites do you visit daily?
Um. Depends if I'm working, again. If I'm not working, I don't go on the computer much because I'm on the computer so much at work, I need a break. If I'm at work and it's dead I check 12 comics, 2 social networking sites, and 4 blogs. If it's REALLY dead I'll look at about 15 other blogs.

13. What are you most looking forward to at the moment?
My wedding? It's getting v stressful at the moment though.

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Tagged? Ana is a wonderful person, one of life's true free spirits.

15. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head?
My Moon My Man, feist.

16. What’s your favorite item of clothing?
Hardly any of my clothes fit now? They all look... not just baggy, just badly fitting. I have a cord skirt that I bought when I was ... 20? that fits. I never got rid of it because I was always on the mindset that you can't go wrong with a plain black skirt. It's a 14.

17. You get to spend the day with a fictional character. Who?
Holden Caulfield. I imagine it would be a good day.

18. What turns you on (in the gender/s of your choice, baby, this is the 21st century)?
It feels weird to answer that question.

19. What would you like to achieve within the next 3 years?
I'd like to move to Brighton.

20. What should you be doing right now?
Monitoring the live subtitle feed on ITV 1 and 4.

21. Pop? Jazz? Classic? Swing? Others?
Metal. Industrial. Hard and Angry music.
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