'Ships. That's what's weird. 'Ships. You see, in the fandoms I read, there are some 'ships that I like; but I can't read. Such as: Firefly. I love Simon/Kaylee, but I can't read Simon/Kaylee fic. The same is true for Zoë/Wash. BtVS. Willow/Oz, and Xander/Anya. Just can't read 'em. Chuck. Morgan/Anna. And then there are 'ships that the subtext just makes it so obvious that they are together, but I wouldn't say that I am a fan. For instance, on Chuck, Lester and Jeff just sizzle with UST, but I don't like either character. 'Tis strange. And my fave 'ships to read in these fandoms? If you promis not to flame, I'll tell. Firefly. River/Jayne, River/Mal. BtVS. Giles/Buffy, Dawn/Spike. Chuck. Casey/Chuck, Casey/Chuck/Sarah. That is all I have to say tonight.