Title: Turkish Delight
Pairing: Kato Shigeaki / Igo Akun
Rating: PG-13
Author Notes: I ... don't really know where this came from. If anyone doesn't know Akun (who am I kidding...) he is Question?'s guitarist. I'm not sure why I wrote this pairing, but it worked strangely well. So umm, please read? :D :D Guest appearances by the rest of NEWS,
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Comments 24
um. I think that about sums it up, yeah.
That makes me so happy! I didn't even expect many people to read to be completely honest! XD
Ryo is love ♥
and if digustingly straightforward ryo isn't the funniest thing on earth, (seconded only by yonemura), i don't know what is!
Thanks so much ♥
the best thing of all is how Akun is the only guy in JE who is truely manly, so the guys do all this weird shit only it doesn't seem weird or girly at all until you see Akun doing it and then you're like "....oh. this is actually bizarre."
Tego is (in Koyama's words) A DEMON, so yeah XD Pin make everything worse by default but don't we all love them for it? :D ::D
Akun being in JE kills me. He is so so so unidolish. I DIE LAUGHING EVERYTIME HE HAS TO PLAY SOME WEIRD GAME ON SHOUNEN CLUB XD He always just looks really ... lost. Which is normal I guess, since he was never a normal Junior, but kjsadgjagsd,ajdbsa. But yes, he's seriously the only manly guy in JE except maybe Nagase, but Nagase is also 5 years old XD
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