JE/LJ - It Started With A Friends Request - Sam/Jimmy Mackey

Jun 07, 2007 00:32

Title: It Started With A Friends Request
Pairing: Jimmy Mackey / thewhiteprophet
Rating: PG
Author Notes: IDEK D: I blame it on lack of sleep, friends just as cracky as me and discovering Jimmy Mackey's MySpace. I mean. DDD: I will post something normal again, soon. PROMISE.

It Started With A Friends Request
[Jimmy Mackey/thewhiteprophet, PG]

It starts out as some innocent fun. Sam friends him on MySpace mainly as a joke, something to amuse herself and her friends with. She curses him (jokingly of course) when he doesn’t friend her back for a week, laughs about his pictures and giggles over some hilarious comments he has in his picture pages.

Then he friends her back.

“I’m friends with Jimmy Mackey,” Sam laughs.

It’s all extremely funny.


Soon Jimmy and Sam start exchanging messages. He’s actually quite funny and unconsciously Sam starts to check for new messages first thing in the morning and finds herself extremely disappointed when her MySpace mailbox is empty.

“You’re never on Gtalk anymore,” Korea complains.

“All you ever talk about is how funny Jimmy Mackey is,” Fitz whines.

Sam signs out of gmail and logs into MySpace.

NEW PRIVATE MESSAGE, she reads. It’s from Jimmy. The day is saved.


One day when they’re chatting on AIM (no one but Jimmy knows her screen name on AIM, Just For MC MACKEY - they don’t want to be disturbed, after all), Sam complains about not remembering what they had talked about in a voice chat two weeks prior. Jimmy immediately emails her a recording.

“Why do you have that?” Sam asks.

Jimmy doesn’t reply for a minute and Sam is terrified that he will never talk to her again.

“I save everything,” he finally replies, “I have a folder called SAMMYLUV!”

“Amazing,” Sam types back, “I wish you could see my smile right now. I am so glad we became friends!”


When Jimmy asks for her address, Sam doesn’t think much of it. He says he needs it because he wants to write her a letter and she believes that. Two days later she feels like someone is watching her, but she keeps telling herself it’s because she had recently watched that one movie, Disturbia, and that’s the reason she is feeling particularly paranoid.

Then her doorbell rings. It’s Jimmy Mackey.

Sam openly gapes at him at first. He’s tall, very tall, and his hair looks funny, but somehow she thinks it suits him. Actually it’s kind of cute. He is smiling and his teeth are as blindingly white as on his pictures.

“Well?” Jimmy asks impatiently and spreads his arms, “Am I going to get a hug or what?”

That finally pulls Sam out of her trance and she jumps into Jimmy’s arms; he hugs her close and soon the hug turns into a passionate kiss and if Sam thought she liked him earlier, she is pretty sure that she is in love now.


He takes her to his new apartment (“I’ve always wanted to live in Australia!”, he’d told her, “This country is really beautiful.”) and Sam finds all walls full of pictures.

"Are those --- photos of me?" Sam asks, her eyes wide.

"Yes, I. Took them. When I was watching you," Jimmy admits, sheepishly.

Sam snuggles into his arms. "That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me!"


Then Sam ends up pregnant and Jimmy is beside himself with joy.

“I love children! I want many children! Let’s have a baseball team,” he beams, “And let’s call our baby James Jr!”

“What if it’s a girl?” Sam asks, slightly alarmed.

“Jimma,” Jimmy decides.

Luckily it turns out to be a little baby boy; Jimmy and Sam get married in Vegas and afterwards the young family moves to Japan. Sam had realized that they both needed a well-paying job to take care of Jimmy Jr and Jimmy had told her their true calling was in Japan.


Mr and Mrs Mackey become Japan’s number one paparazzi.

It helps that Jimmy knows the places where Johnny’s like to hang out, of course.

je has eaten my brain, wtf when did i start writing het, crack is good for your body, holy crap did i rly write this

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