I was actually going to tape Corkarina for you. But I'm track B so this was pole week for me as well. I did the trick twice to figure out how to do it (since I do it on autopilot, etc.) and looked at Iowa and said, I am DONE. My arms were so tired from the class to continue was to risk injury. I'm *still* tired and my back is funky so no film for you for a while. Hugs.
No worries! Thanks for trying! I'm taking class with one of the other teachers for a few weeks and I saw one of her students do it so I'm hoping that she can teach me. I did Jack Knife into Helicopter yesterday- my shoulder still hates me.
I once got into jackknife position - like just leaned back and then did a mini-pull with my arms into my shoulder and my shoulder hated me. I can't imagine doing that trick. Go you!
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