JKR speaks! And lo, there were spoilers. Spoilers are in the link and behind the cut. She doesn't discuss anything really huge, but meh. I like making these posts anyway.
Why didn't Voldemort die when he tried to kill Harry? JK said that in the end of book four, Voldemort had said he had taken various steps against dying, but we should be wondering exactly what he did.
Ha. To be perfectly honest, I always half-assumed the reflected Killing Curse was of lower strength, like AK Lite or something.
So did Voldemort drink unicorn blood, as in PS? Anyone who drinks it will have a half-life, how would that reflect upon the Prophecy?
Is it important that Voldemort travelled widely while looking for the means of his immortality? [CoS, Chp 18]
Did he take special potions? Something to do with snake venom? How did he obtain that fashionable faux-Nagini look? NO, WAIT, HE ATE CATS! BECAUSE THEY HAVE NINE LIVES! WHICH MEANS THAT BILL CAN GET INVOLVED BECAUSE THEY WORSHIPPED CATS IN ANCIENT EGYPT. *madly clutches straws like a mad thing*
Yeah, I dunno :)
Why didn't Dumbledore try to kill Voldemort in that scene at the end of book five?
I thought that was obvious, actually - he knows he can't. Only Harry can, etc etc. Dumbledore can't yet afford to go up against Voldemort on what would amount to a suicide mission, not while he still has so much to do and teach Harry.
The fact that JKR is pointing this out though, implies that there is a deeper meaning, perhaps one that ties in with the Why Didn't Voldemort Die question.
Petunia would appear to have some magical talent, but perhaps not enough for Hogwarts. Dudley, on the other hand, is Muggle through and through.
There will be a new character called McLagan.
S/HE IS NOBODY. I am not falling into the 'omg Arabella Figg is the female DADA prof!1!!' trap again. It would seem that JKR mentioned the name simply as an example of one she likes.
I'm glad she thinks McLagan is nice though. She should come to Belfast. We have a whole river named Lagan :)
And yet.
*prepares for influx of McLagan: The Half Blood DADA-Professor Prince fics, who is the only person that can control Grawp, helps Petunia tap into her powers, and gives a lecture to Gryffindor 6th Years on 13 Steps To Becoming Immortal, For the Average Power-Hungry Dark Lord*
ETA: McClaggan. McClaggan. *facepalm*
Huzzah. I'm looking forward to seeing the full transcript.