Mm, fandom stuffs

May 19, 2005 12:28

Eureka. Desperate Housewives finally makes a little sense.

Ooh, it seems rather obvious now.

So. Mrs Huber's sister Felicia said that a baby boy was born to a "disturbed" young woman, a drug addict, at the clinic in Ohio where she worked with Mary-Alice/Angela.

Not long after Mary-Alice/Angela and her husband (Paul, presumably) disappeared, the baby vanished also.

It seems clear to me now (haha, as clear as things ever are in this show, and assuming there's not a further twist in the tale) that the baby was Zach. The woman was Deirdre, who Mike was searching for and who we know had drug abuse problems. Deirdre tracked Mary-Alice and Paul to Wisteria Lane, tried to take Zach back, and ended up dead and buried in the toy chest under the swimming pool.

Mrs Huber, upon hearing this from her sister, and having financial problems, decided to blackmail Mary-Alice.

"I know what you did to that poor girl," she wrote. Read: Kidnapping her baby.

"I know what you did to that poor girl," Mary-Alice read, and assumed it meant killing her.

Felicia is the key to this whole mystery. Mike needs to somehow show her a photo of Deirdre, and it'll be game over... Well. Mayyybe. It all seems too clear, doesn't it? :D And when things are this clear -- there's probably another twist to come and negate everything I've just written. Gah!

Still dunno who Dana is/was.
Also dunno why Angela took baby Zach.

ETA: manynames pointed out that they pretty much said Zach was Dana a few episodes ago. I remember the scene now - it was between Felicia and Zach. Can't believe I forgot it :\

:-? Hmm.

Other things which happened in this episode:

The return of George, the creepy pharmacist! Eep. Run, Bree, run! I loved the dark humour in the opening exchange between George and Rex; weeds and chemicals to get rid of anything. Hee.

Gabrielle discovered she's pregnant - and yep, doesn't know who the father is. Great scene when she told Carlos, slapped him and stormed off, leaving him behind with a growing smile on his face *g*

Interesting things happening over at Lynette's - Tom swore blind he's never cheated on her and never will, yet we viewers know he's keeping something huge from her (remember the episode with his father a few weeks ago?). In fact, the writers subtly reminded us of the scene in which he confided something to his father, by having Tom mention the scene which came just after - Lynette threatening to take the kids and leave him if he ever betrayed her. Erk. I happen to quite like Tom, though he's probably the least interesting of the male characters, and I do hope he hasn't done anything stupid. More importantly, I like Lynette and don't want to see her hurt.

Edie told Paul that she and Susan broke into his house to search for info about Mary-Alice. Mike overheard their discussion, and promptly went in search of Susan to warn her to stay away from Paul. Later, Paul found Susan and fed her a nonsense pile of crap story about why Mary-Alice changed her name. Susan didn't buy it. Cue lots of menacing looks from Paul across the garden. Doesn't that guy ever stay indoors?

And then Susan's kitchen blew up.

Thankfully Susan's mother wasn't in this episode too much; she's driving me round the bend. However, since Susan'd told Zach a few truths about Julie earlier (namely that Julie didn't want anything to do with him), there was the strong implication that he was the one who blew up her pots and pans :O Susan suspected it was Paul... and hired a private detective to look into things. The same private detective Paul hired way back to find out who attempted to blackmail his wife. Ooh. Small world, huh? :)

And that was that.

Now! Star Wars! ROTS! Whee!

OMG I've skimmed ONE review, and omg omg omg they said it was awesome! I am doing a happy happy squeeful bounce in my seat right now. Really and truly! Big cheesy grin, and incredible anticipation a go-go. Is it good? Is it?! Please let it be good because it's Anakin and the Dark Side and the Great Purge, and you can't mess that up. You just can't.

Also lennongirl has written Star Wars for Dummies. Heee.

I've been trying to think what my favourite scene is. Although "I am your father" is iconic, and "I love you, I know" will always make me wibble, I reckon few snippets of dialogue beat Han's flustered response in this scene for sheer comedy. It's not my absolute favourite, but it's pretty high up the list. And it's Han Solo, what more could we want? :D

[In the detention block, Han and Chewie shoot cameras, electronics - basically everything in sight - as Luke runs off to find Leia. A voice comes over the speaker on the desk.]
Han: Er, everything's under control, situation normal.
Imperial: What happened?
Han: Uh, had a slight weapons malfunction, but, uh, everything's perfectly alright now. We're fine. We're all fine, here, now, thank-you. How are you? *wince*
Imperial: What is your operating number?!
Han: Uh... [shoots comm] ... Boring conversation anyway. Luke! We're gonna have company!

Roflmao every single time. I also adore the Duel of the Fates scene, the final scene in ESB with its gorgeous backdrop, most of the Dagobah stuff, the asteroid battle, and, of course, Anakin fulfilling the prophecy. Gah, I love Star Wars. My first fandom, and all that *g* When it's done well, it's unbeatable. So please, Mr Lucas, no suspect lines about the texture of sand this time, eh? :D

Cannot. Wait. Still have another 7 hours to go :|
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