Back and Inside UK HBP Cover Art.

Jun 10, 2005 19:10

It can be found here! Contains HBP spoilers, I would imagine, if you don't want to see the book cover until July :)

o.O It's a tad bit strange.

The back cover. It looks like a glowy golden boat, a little ways away from a column upon which stands a basin of glowy golden liquid. I think the glowiness of the boat is artistic license, but the basin does seem to be giving off light. Obviously all this seems to tie in nicely with the US cover, with its pensieve/basin (or whatever it is). The base of the column is strangely designed too, like three claws. I would also guess, because of the strange darker grey markings above the boat, that we're in some kind of cavern or cave here. SO! We seem to have a cavern, accessible by boat, containing a round platform upon which stands a glowy golden liquid-filled Basin of Importance. Hmm. I keep picturing PotC when they go to the pirate island with the gold medallions :S

Well, we know there's a little cavern/inlet under Hogwarts, leading to an underground harbour where the first years get off the boats from Hogsmeade. Perhaps that cavern goes further inland, further under the school? Or maybe there are other caverns like it. Perhaps there's a network of waterlogged caves under Hogwarts? And perhaps someone else, besides Slytherin, could have explored them... Ooh. < /wild speculation yay :D!>

But I suppose the real question is, who would leave such a Basin of Importance in a cave, surrounded by water, apparently completely deserted, for god knows how long? ... Wah, need book 6 asap!

Also, in the inside sleeve, there are two hands clasped, with golden ropes of fire (fire, I think?) swirling around them, emphasizing teamwork. Good to note that the grey clothing is similar to the clothes worn by Harry and Dumbledore on the front cover, and the gold-red fire design carries over from there. Also, there's a gold ring with a purple (colour of royalty yadda) stone on the spine. I dunno if that supposed to be a reflection or a lightning bolt cut through the middle of the stone, but I would guess its the former because it doesn't accurately resemble the scar on frontcover!Harry's head. Eenteresting.

And that's what? Three covers featuring Harry and Dumbledore side-by-side AND this one again hints that Dumbledore and Harry will have to travel somewhere together AND it emphasizes teamwork by showing (I assume Harry & Dumbledore's) clasped hands. D'you think they're trying to tell us something? :D

Whee :D I'm so excited about HBP. I've almost finished re-reading OotP, and it's amazing how much of it I'd forgotten. I kinda wish I'd waited a bit longer, though. It's making me covet HBP even more.


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