July 30--Jamison Lake

Jul 30, 2011 19:00

No more snow at lake level. The lake is cold! Perhaps just a tad warmer than Lola Montez was last week. A hot day though. One person canceled because of possible thunder showers. We just had some in Reno over the last few minutes. It hasn't cooled things down much.

Responsibility for the growth of fascist forces lies with the policies of the entire bourgeoisie. Within this, however, the role of the social democratic and petty-bourgeois ex-left parties--who ultimately become the fascists' target--is particularly pernicious. As the social democrats dismantled the welfare state, cut wages and deregulated the job market, the petty-bourgeois ex-left and the union bureaucracy suppressed all opposition in the working class. As a result, the rhetoric of protest was ceded to the extreme right.
--Peter Schwarz

Locals noted what an unlikely farmer Breivik was. A woman who worked at the local pub and filling station said that he insisted on getting receipts for all his purchases and paid with a card.
--Robert Stevens and Susan Garth

[A]n actual terrorist attack on Norwegian soil--not by an Islamic extremist but by a native-born middle-class Norwegian--immediately exposes the fact that no preparations have been made to protect the population.
--Susan Garth

The pathetic, cringing character of these appeals was remarkable. US presidents usually commandeer the airwaves for a nationally televised address to announce a major policy action in either domestic or foreign policy. But Obama announced nothing except his own impotence in the face of the ultra-right, ending with a call for people to write letters to Congress urging a compromise.
--Patrick Martin

Unlike President Hoover, who inherited the foundations of a huge credit bubble from the 1920s and found himself overwhelmed by it, this President is worse. He is, through his actions, creating the conditions for a second Great Depression because of his misconceived belief that too much government spending "crowds out" private investment, and takes dollars out of the economy when it borrows. And therefore, goes the perverse logic, when the government stops borrowing to spend, the economy will have those dollars to replace the lost federal spending.
--Marshall Auerback

Of course the government will have enough money to pay the monthly Social Security checks. The Social Security administration has its own savings--in Treasury bills.... Obama certainly must know that Social Security is solvent, with liquid securities to pay for many decades to come. Yet Obama has put Social Security at the very top of his hit list.
--Michael Hudson

fascism, jamison lake hike, fraudulent war on terror, barack obama, afflicted powers

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