So . . . my last entry was about *counts on fingers* eight months ago. And I think I may have even less of a life than before. Anyways, let's do this! ( Read more... )
Well you did it. Finally got me to log back into my lj. You weren't kidding, this post is massive. And I agree wholeheartedly with the Hallelujah video. Nothing describes the end of a school year better. You've been so busy with anime I can't keep up! I'm gonna try to watch Cowboy Bebop over the summer, but I don't know if I can fit in any others. Maybe Durarara. Matbe. Probably not though.
VICTORY. You know, I still haven't watched Cowboy Bebop. I watched the first episode and got sidetracked. BLASPHEMY, I know. But psh, you're not getting away without watching other stuff this summer. We're going to make you. Don't forget about the marathon that WILL happen. Yeah.
5 Centimeters per Second is just a little over an hour combined. It's really not that long. The first part is about 25 minutes, the second is maybe 15-20, and the third part is honestly like 5 minutes. Can't really say since I watched them all combined in one video. But it's really not that long and you would love it.
The mood theme is basically a bunch of little images that you have to upload yourself and tell LJ which image to use for which mood. There are a bunch of graphics communities around that have them. Or I could make you a set if you really wanted. I've been meaning to make myself either a stock or D.Gray-man mood theme. I'm not feeling the ASkars so much anymore.
Comments 4
But yay, Samurai Champloo and Eden of the East! The ones I've actually watched! :D
5 Centimeters per Second looks interesting, I'll see if I can fit that into my vegetation post of doom~ How long is it, with the 3 parts together?
And HALLELUJAH indeed. So that's why they call junior year the worst ever >.>
Random comment- how do you find those mood emoticons from different fandoms? I dunno how to do it D: ME WANT ONE
The mood theme is basically a bunch of little images that you have to upload yourself and tell LJ which image to use for which mood. There are a bunch of graphics communities around that have them. Or I could make you a set if you really wanted. I've been meaning to make myself either a stock or D.Gray-man mood theme. I'm not feeling the ASkars so much anymore.
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