Yesterday was awesome me and joanna hung out the whole day, first we went to the school because she needed to get her report card, then DPS, after that we went to the mall because she wanted to buy clothes. we walked around for a long time then we walked to the movies and saw Dark Water
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umm on monday i finaly get to see joanna but she is leaving again the next day but atleast i get to see her..Um mark Hernandez(bottom) is fucking funny you would have to watch the Bonus cd to see how crazy Mark is
ONAKA GA SUKIMASHITA!!! ok well i hope to see you all at the premeire! DONATIONS ARE GREATLY APRICIATED!! Free Cokes And Pizza at EXODUS if you go.....The Video should Start At 7:30
today was the first time in a while that i actually skated longer than 3 hours i skated form 1 to 9 and it was fucking fun im going to start doing that again im tired of sitting at my house being bored and plus skateboarding is the only thing that keeps me from going crazy even though sometimes i get mad when im skateboarding so i go crazy and
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im sick and tired of all these people trying to be fucking kool and using the word ¨UBER¨ just fucking say really not uber im tired of that wor. i hate hearing and reading so please if you say uber NEVER say it in my face because i might just slap you thank you. ok now to my boring day. today was alright i went to the skatepark for an hour i came
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Created by LaBelleAmie and taken 16990 times on bzoink! The Basic StuffName?leoAge?16Height?5 10Weight?120Birthday?december 14Birthplace?nuevo laredoCurrent Location?laredo texasSchool/Grade?11thZodiac Sign?the guy on the horseChinese Zodiac Sign?dragon Righty or Lefty?rightyHaircolor?dark brownEyecolor
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