If you're going to fucking lie, make sure you're smart enough not to get caught. I've always known you were a little on the dumb side, but i never thought you would be so outrightly IDIOTICALLY RETARDED as to POST FUCKING EVIDENCE ON YOUR BLOG AND DENY IT AFTERWARDS. For godsakes, you're not even blonde. You don't have an excuse. (no offense meant to anyone who is blond. *bows*) And not just that, you fucking deny it first, and then when we confront you with damn evidence you have the gall to turn it right around and blame US. So now you're not just a lying bitch, you're also one ungrateful fucker. I hate to say this, but where would you have been if we didn't take you in? You'd have killed yourself because of all that loneliness. You wouldn't even be ALIVE to have done what you just fucking did. Do you still remember when your mom called Dianne because you weren't eating and you wouldn't go to school? Do you remember when we had to visit you everyday to make you feel you weren't alone? WE WEREN'T EVEN YOUR FRIENDS. We were just unlucky enough to live within the vicinity, and that your mom knew which doors to knock on. And I've never thought I'd ever regret doing something good, something done out of goodwill, but then again, when was I ever right with anything concerning you?
And you know why no one likes you? Because you're YOU. I used to think that I didn't have to like someone to love them, but now I'm just confused why I ever thought I loved you. Now that I think back on it, when did you ever not lie? When did you ever act like YOU and not as that alter ego you thought was perfect? You lied to us about fried chicken, so why am I even surprised that you lie to us about our supposed fucking friendship?! And now I hate myself for ever suggesting taking you in. I brought this upon myself, didn't I?
And what angers us like nothing else? It's not something you have to lie about! It's not even something you CAN lie about. It's a fucking get together, for godsakes. We were bound to know. Someone was bound to see your fucking pictures and tell us about it. Remember what I said about no one liking you? And congratulations, we think you've finally succeeded taking all our friends away. If our rejected phone calls told us anything, it's that after 6 long years, you finally succeeded in that plan we were so blind to see you have been so stealthily executing all this time. We hope you're happy.
Right now, I just hope you find that USB cable you borrowed from me last year and hang yourself with it. I'd be more than glad to lend a a hand on your death. And that 3000 pesos you owe me, yes that money you get angry at me for whenever I ask you if you're ever going to pay me back, I'll just give it as condolence. And don't worry, unlike you, I can keep secrets. I won't tell your mom how you faked your reciepts just to scam 50% of our tuition fee from her even after witnessing how she works her back to breaking limits just to get food on your table. And I won't even laugh that you CHECK DEAD PEOPLE'S FRIENDSTER ACCOUNTS AND LIKE TO CHAT ABOUT IT. Unlike you, I'm not a sick fuck. I don't think something like you deserves my bitterness, so I'll forget all this happened. In fact, I'll forget you even exist. And if you decide to not die just to annoy the hell out of me, I just wish you enjoy your life. ALONE.