Making up for lost time.

Jul 01, 2005 12:19

Being dead wasn't exactly flattering, but I had the feeling that I, that we were more fortunate then others who just become souls floating about either in Heaven, in Purgatory, or in Hell ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

quietkindocrazy July 2 2005, 22:03:23 UTC
Everything about hell seemed to have a certain familiarity. All the time that I had spent here, had been the scariest of my life, and yet, not so scary. It was rather strange really. To think that hell looked exactly what the place you once called home looked like ( ... )


pryce_less July 2 2005, 23:14:59 UTC
My distraction and disquiet about this place being this place, my place, that it smelled like Lilah, faded away as her lips met mine.

It only made sense, so I didn't think too much of it. If this was a Wolfram and Hart purgatory, then I shouldn't have been at all surprised that I could smell Lilah.

I expected, very much, in fact, that as Fred and I got closer, then the hints, the traces of one of Lilah's many designer perfumes would only get stronger, but I wasn't in the mood to back down, because of her, and though I was willing to smell the scents deepen, I was only that ay because I wanted to show her real love...

If I was capable of it?

If I was capable of it, I was capable of it with Fred, and my own desires for her were now only larger. The ulterior motive of showing Lilah up was in the back of my head, but I did really want her.

I always had.

I took her into my arms, holding her close to me, our kiss deepening.


quietkindocrazy July 5 2005, 23:08:47 UTC
I leaned in closer to him, as our kiss deepened. How long had it been since our last kiss? Only minutes before... yes, but it almost seemed like an eternity, as if though we were trying to make up for lost time. And that's what we were trying to do here right? Make up for lost time ( ... )


pryce_less July 6 2005, 03:43:28 UTC

I took her into my arms and swept her into the air.

When I did so, I had the irrational thouht that where Vail had stabbed me would sting, but it didn't, and having her in my arms beset the pain of losing the battle to the old warlock.

What occurred to me as not being irrational was the fact that Lilah was probably watching somehow.

It struck me as a wonderful thing, if she was. Sure, I had let myself embrace evil, and had feelings for her, especially when she I had to chop her head off, but she had always joked about Fred and I and now, it was time to show her that we were no joke.

It was also time to prove it to myself. I loved her with all that I had and even showing her that in this pseudo-feeling death, was better then not at all.

Much better.

I lay her down on the bed, slowly laying next to her, caressing her, our lips locked. "I've been meaning to express my love to you, Fred," I said, the possibility of a tear forming in my left eye, not far from becoming actualized.


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