Title: Give a boy...
Fandom: Johnny Universe
Characters: Pepito, Nny, and mention of Squee
Prompt: 054. And: conj. Used to indicate result.
Word Count: 531
Rating: Pg...maybe Pg-13...I was never good with rating....
Author's Notes: All Characters are (c) Jhonen Vasquez and SLG...And probably some other people as well. I don't own and This is just for my
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Comments 2
lol. If you ever want to translate my fic in English, I'd be very glad and flattered. It's only three short chapters so far, so it wouldn't be very daunting. However, I have to warn you... there's absolutely no sex so far. How ashaming.
But it's okay if you don't have the time, or if the translation tool gives you nothing but indecipherable mumbo-jumbo you can't work with. I've never expected to be read by English people anyway... I've dreamt about it, but never expected it to happen, lol.
So, keep me informed if you ever decide to do it! And you can ask me as many questions as you want. I added you to my friendslist #^^# my own journal is boring as it's in French, but I comment a lot
I'll try...I'm moving so I won't have much time before I have to start skool...
I will try though. ^0^
I will add you. It's fine, I can always talk to you Via Comments ^-^.
Lot o' fun
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