Updated Submission Guidelines (03/12/07)

Jan 08, 2007 16:17

After having put together the first edition of hell_quarterly I decided to update some of the guidelines, specifically the fic submission guidelines.

About the ‘Zine

Based on a poll of interest we took earlier in the development of this project, we have decided to run the submissions based on editorial discretion. However we vow to do our best in judging each submission by the guidelines listed below and to take as impartial a stand as possible regarding fic selection. More importantly, though, Hell Quarterly is designed to be a first-rate, free online ‘zine, and we want to make this a good experience for everyone involved, especially the readers. The moderators are always willing to talk if you have any questions or need anything clarified. Contact information is listed at the bottom of this post.

Fic Submission Guidelines

  1. All entries must adhere to the basic rules of standard written English. Proper punctuation and sentence structure are unchallengeable necessities. Also, we will not accept a submission unless it has been beta’d at least once.
  2. There is a minimum word limit of 1,000 words, and a maximum of 10,000 words. These limits are in place because of formatting and are not negotiable. However, there will be a ‘drabble’ issue, and fic submitted for that specifically must be 100 words.
  3. In order to allow for easy and fast formatting, all submissions must be either word documents or rich text documents ( .doc or .rtf ) and must contain the author’s name and email address.
  4. All stories must be new and unpublished. The ‘zine will have exclusive rights to the showing of each fic for three months after the issue published. After that, however, the author may post the story wherever he or she would like.
  5. We will accept both slash and non-pairing stories. However, we will not be taking real person fiction.
  6. If at all possible send us two copies of your fic.  One formatted for reading and one formatted in the following way.  Please single space with no blank lines between paragraphs and single space following punctuation like periods and question marks.  Not submitting the second copy will not disqualify your submission, but it will make it easier for your editors to format it to fit in the available space.  If these instructions are confusing please email one of the mods for clarification.
  7. The following is the header that is required for each fic submission:
Author: (name you want to be credited under)
Contact Email:
Pairing: (if gen, put "none")
Beta Reader:
Brief Summary: (not just a teaser, please)

Art Submission Guidelines

  1. All art to be submitted must have a resolution of 300ppi*. If you aren’t sure what this means, please contact one of the moderators and we will be able to help you.
  2. Each piece should not be larger an 8”x10”. We reserve the right to resize accordingly to fit the format.
  3. We will not be accepting any adult photo manipulations where heads are essentially pasted onto unclothed bodies.
  4. Also, we would like the art to be unmarked-no artist names or website watermarks allowed. You will be credited directly below your art in the ‘zine.
  5. All art must be new and unpublished. The ‘zine will have exclusive rights to the showing of each piece of art for three months after the issue published. After that, however, the author may post the art wherever he or she would like.
  6. *There have been several questions about what 300ppi means.  I wanted to clarify that.

    PPI relates to print output and stands for pixels per inch.  Web graphics rarely have a PPI above 72, while print graphics should have resolution of 300 ppi.  We are requesting that graphics be 300 ppi because ultimately the 'zine is intended for print and we want your graphics to show up in the highest possible quality.

    I use Photoshop and when I create a new document I am able to choose my resolution (See the screencap below to illustrate what I'm talking about, with resolution highlighted); If you can't find that on your program you might search your help program for "resolution", "PPI", "pixels per inch", or; "print output".

    If you have any further question about this or anything else, please feel free to drop me an email.

  7. All art must have a document attached with the following header informationTitle:
    Artist: (name you want to be credited under)
    Contact Email:
    Resource Credits:

Specific Guidelines for the Drabble Issue
  1. All art must be a standard letter size (8 ½ inches x 11 inches), with a resolution of 300 ppi.
  2. The following information must be included:
    • “Hell Quarterly” (Featured Prominently)
    • “Volume 2, Issue 3”
    • “The Drabble Issue
  3. Additionally, you may include the Hell Quarterly tagline, “When you don’t need to go to hell quite as often.” This is optional.

Note: These guidelines are present in order to maintain the overall quality of the ‘zine. However, the editors are willing to take certain stylistic choices into account in special cases. If you would have any questions about this please drop us an email.

Note 2: You may submit one (1) item from each category fic (1,000 - 10,000 words) and art. The Drabble Edition is an exception and you should see the specific guidelines under the fic and art categories. Additional submissions from the same person will only be considered one the date for submissions has closed and will be contingent on the actual number of submissions in the category of interest.

Note 3: Writers if you've created or have a friend who has created cover art for your fic (1,000 - 10,000 words) and it meets the art submission guidelines we will be happy to accept it as an art piece and include it with your fic. It should have a proper header as indicated in the art submission guidelines.

Reading the ‘Zine

Hell Quarterly is a Supernatural ‘zine that comes out four times a year. Every issue of the ‘zine will contain new, never published fic and art. It will be available for download at the community as a .pdf file, ready to read, print and save.

Who We Are

hell_quarterly is in a bit of a state of flux, and we appreciate your patience while everything is worked out and revamped. Lynne, scarlett_o and Eponin, eponin10 are the current mods and editors. We'd like to thank Mel, unamaga and Sofie chickypooh for their contributions as former mods and editors.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions or concerns, send an email to the email address listed below and we will be more than willing to discuss things with you. Please keep the community friendly and flame free.

General Questions can be directed to:
Lynne at scarlett_o@livejournal.com
Eponin at eponin10@livejournal.com

admin, submission guidelines

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