(no subject)

Oct 09, 2010 21:20

Player Information
Name: Ari
Timezone: CST, GMT -5
Personal Journal: anasyrma
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: you have thisss
Email Address: this too
Former/Other Characters in the RP: Canada, Germany, Yamamoto Takeshi
How did you hear about us?: -

Character Information
Name: Dave Strider
Canon Origin/Series: Homestuck
School Year: 3rd
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Out of school living location: Nottingham, England.
Blood status: Muggleborn


Dave is cool. He's like a lone ronin samurai traveling Delirious Bizznasty personified into a never-ending mystified landscape in a perpetual search for a world of new ironic depths, a world of obscurity. And Dave loves obscurity - just look at his record collection.

Aloof accurately describes Dave mental status in most given situations. No matter how surreal things get, Dave maintains his level-headed, unflappable attitude. Only his brother's puppets have the capacity to make him fly off the handle, and even then, most of the time Dave claims to regard his brother's puppets as ironically hilarious. His friend Jade and (SO VERY SECRETLY) ponies are two things for which Dave has a soft spot, but he maintains his cold facade in their presence regardless. Dave Strider does not flip his shit. His shit stays safely tight and grounded, and that's all because Dave is actually pretty competent.

In a lot of ways, this kid's too clever for his own good. His Captchalogue Sylladex, which is the characters' way of holding items, is one of the most complicated in the entire series. Attempt to troll him and he'll unleash a merciless can of countertroll on your sorry ass. As the Knight of Time, he knows his way around the volatile if not utterly convoluted time loops of the universe. He's arguably the kids' best fighter and constantly keeps a few of his fellow players in check.

Conversely, before the reader learns Dave's name, Dave is first introduced as an Insufferable Prick. Some of Dave Strider's character flaws are as glaringly obvious as his inherent rad qualities, namely his arrogance and superiority complex. Dave is a hipster slash budding rapper slash broseph slash you can't label this awesome motherfucker. His ego rivals the size of the state in which he lives. He'll ignore advice or orders he deems as horeshit, and he'll do that immature 'what, I have no idea what you're talking about, that other guy must have did it' sthick if he's close to being outed for something bad or dumb he did. He's a thirteen year old boy, okay, he'll snoop around his friend's diary (spoiler: /genetic-twin-sister-through-Weird-Plot-Shit-Shenanigans) and will never own up to doing so.

Also, Dave is more susceptible to the opinions of whom he respects much more than he lets on. He emulates and hero worships his big brother. His bro of less literal circumstance, John, has been shown to affect his preferences and thoughts without even trying. Again, Dave Strider might seem older than his years, but he's still a teenager with a need for cceptance.

That doesn't stop him from being, well, a tactless Insufferable Prick though. Oh well. Haters gonna hate, Striders gonna stride.

Canon Background:

Okay, so Homestuck. Yeah. Homestuck is a series rife with Weird Plot Shit and Weird Time Shit (TIME TRAVELING SHENANIGANS) that complicates matters to an amazing degree. In fact, the game that the four main human characters play, SBurb, could not care less about the concept of chronology. Why would it? It'll pick and choose points from your universe's timeline with the giggly nonchalance of an infatuated Catholic school girl picking petals off a pretty daisy flower. Sburb just don't give a fuck - except sometimes it does and it's labyrinthine as hell.

Let's start at the beginning(sort of) anyway and attempt to make this as sane as possible. Dave Strider is a thirteen year old boy from the overheated streets of Houston, Texas living in an apartment with his guardian known only as Bro, whom he shares a friendly sibling rivalry with and more or less hero worships. His room hosts an assortment of ninja swords, turntables, strange dead things preserved in various ways, and posters of either cool ass motherfuckers, such as P.Diddy, or motherfuckers who are ironically cool, like Ben Stiller. When he's not cooking up some ill jams on his mixing gear, maintaining ironically humorous websites, or getting his ass handed to him bumping steel blades with his amazing Bro, he pesters(instant messages) his chums online under the screenname turntechGodhead.

At the introduction of the story, all he does is leave his friend John walls of text filled with birthday well wishes(sort of), phat rhymes to like represent, and derogatory comments in regards to John's interests, including the new game John and their mutual friend Rose deem worthy of excessive interest: Sburb. Dave and his Bro received their own copies in the mail days prior, but lost his discs due to an unfortunate accident involving a projectile sword and a rambunctious crow. Not that he cared, because it looked dumb anyway. Seriously, who would play that garbage.

As it so happens, through a series of events, Dave joins in the fun times anyway. Alright so Sburb consists of two CDs, one 'client' disc and one one 'server' disc. The server is able to manipulate the client's environment, which so happens to be the client's house in real life, in a fashion similar to The Sims. Oh, also a huge part in the game involves a giant freaking meteor from space that decides to choose the players' location as a bull's eye in a target. Install the Sburb, create what's called a Kernelspirte (a sprite that basically guides the player through certain parts of the game, though as VAGUELY AS POSSIBLE), and yeah, suddenly the client has about four hours to live before they turn into pancake mush. To survive, the client has to escape to a place called The Medium, and to do that, they must have a server to aid them.

When John arrives to The Medium, Rose is left to deal with a flippin' meteor rainstorm. To save her ass from fiery death, Dave battles Bro and his army of oddly disconcerting puppets for his copy of the game. They enjoy a scuffle on the roof top, Dave with his sword and Bro with -- Lil Cal, a ventriloquist doll he implements during rap battles. Bro tears Dave a new one, but leaves him with his copies. THINGS HAPPEN, and Dave gets Rose into The Medium at the nick of time.

Jade, the final friend of the group, becomes Dave's server player. THINGS HAPPEN, and with Bro's help, Dave eventually wrestles his way into The Medium.

The Medium is in the middle of a mysterious universe, the Incipishere, between the Kingdom of Darkness, Derse, and the Kingdom of Light, Prospit, which orbits around a sun-like core called Skaia. When in The Medium, the kernelsprite explains the game. Multiple planets inhabit the Medium, and every player is sent to their own individual planet. Players must build their way up through multiple gates, defeat the Denizens(bosses, kinda), and do ALL SORTS OF CRAZY SHIT so that they can get to Skaia, where an eternal stalemate between good and evil is wrought. In the game, evil always wins and the Black King sends a bunch of meteors down to destroy Skaia. Skaia protects itself by projecting the meteors towards the host planet, Earth (hence birthing the meteors that are sent to DESTROY YOUR HOME through confusing time shit). Players must make it to Skaia and stop the meteors before the portals run out and spell Skaia's doom.

Oh, but Earth is fucked. Yeah, players have nothing to do with rescuing Earth. (Spoilers: It is revealed later in the series that the ultimate goal of Sburb is to create another universe. Sacrifice a planet, create a new universe. Exiles are the characters who are destined to reintroduce life to the host planet; through WEIRD TIME SHIT, they also guide the Sburb players' actions. )

Anyway, back to Dave. Dave finds himself in the Land of Heat and Clockwork - fitting for his mythological role. Dave is The Knight of Time, though the full implications of his title have not yet been expanded. His kernelsprite initially fuses with the corpse of rambunctious crow (with a sword pierced through it) mentioned previously. Just as Dave is about to fuse his sprite for the last time with Bro's Lil Cal, future!Dave arrives and stops him.

-- wait what.

Yeah, Dave is the freaking Knight of Time. He doesn't need no goddamn rollex watch for nothing and he makes Weird Time Shit his bitch. He has his sick time turntables, you dig? Future!Dave in this instance came from an alternate time in which John was tricked to his doom and Jade left to her death. He and Rose then spent around four months grinding levels and gathering as much information as possible, before Dave skimmied his way back in time with two purposes: one, to stop himself from making Lil Cal his kernelsprite because oh my god so fucking annoying and two, to of course save John and in turn the entire game.

Future!Dave turns into Dave's kernelsprite ("how are we so cool"), John's death is averted, Dave alchemizes a bunch of items, and this is where I'll stop.

Notably, two versions of each character exists within the Incipiphere. One of course is the one 'playing the game', while the other lives in either Derse or Prospit. These selves are called 'dreamselves', because they only are active when the character sleeps; though typically, dreamselves don't awaken and remain latent until later. Dave's dreamself resides with Dream!Lil' Cal in the Kingdom of Darkness, Derse, and apparently has been awake Dave's entire life without Dave's knowledge.

Background (AU!Canon; HP):

Dave Strider arrived to this world thirteen years ago on December, 3, in Houston, Texas, United States of America. At least he thinks he did. Probably.

As far back as he can remember, family to Dave consisted merely of him and his big brother. All his knowledge of his parents is derived from his brother's word: they were muggles and cool ones at that, but they aren't around anymore, so don't sweat it it. Dave's brother taught him all that he knows, from how to fight to how to be ironically cool, and in Dave's opinion, is everything anyone could ever need in a guardian, despite his frequent disappearances; so naturally, Dave never questioned it. At least not outwardly.

He didn't have time for that retrospective crap anyway. His big brother was an important and powerful wizard, and together they moved around various parts of Texas(always the hottest parts) to suit the needs of his mysterious career. When Bro departed to do whatever it is that he does(Dave has no idea), he often left his magical ventriloquist doll, Lil' Cal, to look after Dave. Well, look after him and mess with him, but whatever. Left mostly to his own devices, Dave developed interests that mirrored his Bro's: music, irony (this counts, shut up), rousing bouts of fisticuffs, and an assortment of all sorts of weird shit.

Around the time Dave turned ten, Bro doubletimed their little family to the urban areas of Nottingham, England, most likely for the sake of his job. Happy, Dave was not, but dudes are cool no matter what side of the Atlantic they settle in, so Dave toughed it out.

He adjusted well enough to Hogwarts, anyway. There he excels in most of his subjects -- when he has a mind to do his homework, that is. Potions, DADA, transfiguration are roughly his best subjects, though he's not too shabby at Charms either. History of Magic and Herbology are where his wizardly grade point average suffers, but that is largely due to his apathy towards the subjects. Those are the classes he spends drawing his hideous(IRONIC) comics. What, he's smart, but he's not a nerd.

Oh, also Lil' Cal followed Dave to Hogwarts, and he will NOT LEAVE. EVER. THANKS, BRO, trauma is the gift that keeps on giving.

(Alsoalso, Dave wears sunglasses. Always.)

How would your character fit in to each House?

gryffindor ► Bravery is something Dave can pull, yeah. The world explodes in a flame fiesta around him, and the number of times Dave shows fear is a number you can count on one hand. Dave is a dude hard to spook, and even when he is spooked, he'll get his shit done. Let's make this shit work. We're doing this man, we're making it happen.

And Dave's a freaking knight, ok, of course he's chivalrous. Erm, when he wants to be. Remember when it was said that Alternate Future!Dave became a kernelsprite? Well, kernelsprites are generally attracted to the dead or the doomed, implying that Future!Dave didn't have too much time to exist in the current ....past|present|future spectrum before he started his life as a sprite. He basically sacrificed his life and four months of who knows what for his friends and for himself.

Still though, that hero with a heart of gold and a goofy Gryffindor grin to match trope is more of John's thing. Not exactly Dave's style, but hey, whatever fits the bill.

slytherin ► Dave is all sorts of ambitious. Color him cunning, batman, just take a good look at that resourceful mothereff. Fighting his STUPIDLY EPIC brother and messing around with weapons all the time doesn't boast much for his concept of self-preservation, though, but look -- he's not stupid. He's careful, cautious, and competent. If he fails to properly mix around time loops, Daves start dying left and right, and that’s never a good thing.

Oh, but he's a muggleborn, and they aren't exactly welcome in that members only club of that house, huh. If he got in, that would be like the epitome of hipster wizard irony.

ravenclaw ► Dave is way too freaking smart. He can lay down a wall of text saturated with literary and movie references, social commentary, sick rhymes and psychological beat down in a matter of seconds. Words, Dave's good with words, and he's pretty good with numbers, too.

See, his Sylladex's modus is mad crazy complicated, as well. To carry objects, Dave plays around with words and arithmetic; and apparently he can combine the two so quickly that he actually has these weird sort of race rap battles with his brother -- rap battles which involve, again, arithmetic. Goddamn, what.

Additionally, yeah, there's that whole time travel thing. It bears repeating that time travel is really complicated, and that if things go wrong, Daves die. Does that hinder Dave? Not really, no. He's actually rather blase about it, simply advising his friends to simply not be retarded and leave it to the pros.

The pro, of course, being him.

hufflepuff ► If you're Dave's hell bro, close chum, good pal, or compatriot in arms, Dave Strider's got your back. He might act like a dick and poke fun at you and all that jazz, but he'll do a lot for you if he likes you enough. He'll risk his ass and work his ass, although not necessarily in that order.

Sample Journal Entry:

heres the thing i dont get.

we kids finally ripen into third years ready for some omnipotent muse god of academia to pluck us from the tree of rudimentary bullshit. as she - or he maybe i dont fucking know. yeah probably a he. we live in a goddamn patriarchy, a sasuagefest run society, no homo or nothing. so anyway theres some dude with the stature of a well oiled body builder living out in the heavenly clouds up there with his fucking blood vessels strained about-to-burst getting his shrunken genitals all excited to introduce us into a world of opportunity. like shit you havent seen before son, fasten your seatbelts cause otherwise youll be blown the fuck away.

this man-dude-god, his long mane of godly beauteous vaguely effeminate manhair stumbling down his shoulder blades all akimbo, is all careful not to bruise our savory flush skin as he handles us in his celestial sweat stained fingers, so fuckin set to take a chunk out of our yearning, awaiting, trembling brain ooze. cue the touching music score. he presses us to his pursed lips. the flood gates open. penetration is eminent. he takes that first bite. pants are ruined. we hit thirteen, and all sorts of new classes and shit are made available to us impoverished children who were previously barred from their limitlessness bounty.

but jesus i dont remember seeing any advertisements for nothing. way to leave us hanging.

what is there? care of magical devilbeasts? thats like falling off the tree of rudimentary bullshit and falling into a pile of monster shit. its a never ending cycle of steaming fecal matter and were stuck in the backwash.

which is basically the summary of that class wrapped in a pretty green bow. so fresh, so natural. al gore would literally piss himself with how natural were being up in this bitch.

so yeah whatever arithmancy it is.

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person:

These threads would have taken a major toll on his image if he didn't see the beautiful irony in it all. He was like the meaty anti-establishment burrito filling cozied up in the tortilla wrap of a shitty uniform. His protein rich grease fashion sense shone out like a smelly beacon in the drab, dreary Scottish dungeon that was Hogwarts. Those subjected to his delectable stench drowned in their saliva as they fell to their knees and kissed at Dave’s respectable loafers.

Okay who was he kidding, he looked like a fucking tool and attended a school that owned its namesake either to a hairy, sickle sized tumor on the side of filthy swine’s arseshoot or the castle’s every day lunch menu.

Oh wait, same thing. Hogwarts was such a proud academy.

Dave stood in front of his full length mirror and stared into his stoic expression through the darkened shades of his glasses. By his own estimation, he had about two minutes to make it precisely five minutes late to his next class; and like with most things, Dave was more or less right, give or take a few seconds.

He ran a hand through his red hair, adjusted his tie one last time. Dave commanded a control over his lanky, teen body for which he was proud. There was no awkward stumbling around for Dave fucking Strider.
Know what, never mind. Take an eraser end to his previous statement. Tool he was not.
Damn, he looked classy. Foshizzle.
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