Angst? What Angst? Tends to only express her feelings of being dead/being a monster/being away from home/being a lone soldier without an army to Rayne, and keeps plugging away at the stereotypical Nazi characterization to other people.
Beautiful All Along. Thank you for the dress, Kid Flash.
Blood Lust. Om nom nom hai I'm a vampire did I mention I drink blood?
Break the Cutie. What she seems to be trying to do to America, Flonne, Pearl, Peach, Lilly, Jamie, and especially Larry.
Badass Decay. Just letting you all know, I blame all of you for this one. She's got an actual canon content of 15 onscreen minutes, and about three books out of a 90-book series, during which she is an unapologetic Nazi vampire sniper who kills a literal boatload of people. And you all are turning her into this mommy character. And I hate you for it. You guys suck.
(No seriously it's hilarious)
Born in the Wrong Century. Take a look at that flintlock musket in 1999. Isn't she supposed to be running through a Germanic opera somewhere?
Chronic Villainy. She's dead (and therefore owes no more loyalty to Millennium), she's in a place that can stop her from being a vampire forever, she can make a fresh new start on life. What's the first thing that Rip does? Ally herself with the Decepticons. Way to go.
Light is Not Good. She sings cheerful, upbeat songs, dances around like a baton twirler, and snuggles up under a bright yellow umbrella. And kills people.
Don't You Dare Pity Me Flies into a rage when people try to do this. As do I. She is a Nazi, not a sympathetic character. All of you; get a grip!
Establishing Character Moment. If you really want to see something,
Here's when we see Rip for the first time. Singing over a backdrop of people being slaughtered. In Wake history, the second entry she made was painting a gigantic swastika over the Opera House.
From Nobody to Nightmare. A no-name low-ranking human soldier should've died, been captured as a POW, survived the war to go through a war crimes tribunal, or just lived out a life in relative obscurity. Too bad Millennium came through and took Rip with them.
The Glasses Come Off. Usually because she's scared or in pain or about to cry.
Green Eyed Monster. Blue eyes, but Rip really doesn't like hearing about the other people Rayne's slept with. Especially Angilo.
Scary Shiny Glasses. Go take a look at the OVA pictures. Half the time she looks like a Jack-o-Lantern.
Immortality Begins at Twenty. Twenty-five, really, but damn she got lucky on that one.
Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot Nazi vampire sniper singer.
Mood Swinger. Can go from super happy to holy shit fury balls in two seconds, depending on what idiot Americans are doing at that time.
Must Make Her Laugh. Happened between Kid Flash and Rip.
No Sense of Personal Space. Seems to be something I'm adding as time goes by. She sits on Rayne's bed, America's plane, touches things she's not supposed to in Nathan's house and with the Decepticons...
Older Than They Look. Looks around 30, is really something like 75.
Pet the Dog. Yeah, I know where all this "she's really no so bad" BS started. It's when I got her a puppy, isn't it?
Politically Incorrect Villain Just don't ask her about Jews, Gypsies, the infirm and disabled, the handicapped, gays and lesbians, or the British.
Psycho Supporter. The Major of course, and to a lesser extent, Megatron.
Shame if Something Happened. How Rip attempted to stop America from telling people she tortured him by threatening England, Canada, and France. Too bad it didn't work.
Sympathetic Murderer. In canon, especially. Alucard just kills her in the worst possible way, and takes forever in doing it. To a lesser extent in the Wake, when Pip killed her with a bullet to the head.
Unintentionally Sympathetic. My only excuse for apping her in the first place
Villain Decay. More true than Badass Decay, and happening more and more often.
Villainous Breakdown. Happens every now and again, but the key example is
Weak Ass Badass. Yeah, she looks pretty tough with the fangs and the rifle. Just go over there and push her, she'll fall down like a stack of dominoes.
Weapon of Choice. The flintlock musket as compared to Kaspar from Der Freishultz.
With Friends Like These Anyone in Nautilus who considers Rip a friend.
Bizarre and Improbable Ballistics. Attempted to somewhat explain what canon fails to do in Wake.
Catch Phrase. Two of them; one in the manga, one in the OVA.
Man of Wealth and Taste. She runs around in a suit and tie. Why? Why not?
Our Vampires Are Different. Explained first to Rayne and then to Larry and America.
Rapunzel Hair. To the nth degree.
Small Girl Big Gun. Even more impressive when she lifts it up with one hand.