I have to put these emotions somewhere.

Dec 10, 2010 03:34

I've just finished a realistically short journey that nonetheless feels like it took forever.

In the span of an entire semester, I have successfully caught up to Torchwood and am a hop, skip, and Matt Smith "GERONIMO" away from starting the most recent series of (new) Doctor Who.

I'm gonna write a nice big post about Torchwood: Children of Earth for my TV blog (which is now an amorphous being whose best function I have yet to pin down), so let's talk about David Tennant and the End of Time.


In summary: 3klv;jsld;surt8u04i87tue

Yeah. It's like that.

David Tennant's adventures were remarkable. I was thrilled, I was tickled, I was teared-up, heartbroken, etc. I'll miss his energy, his smile, his catchphrases ("Allons-y!" "Molto bene!" "Well... WELL... well..." "I'm sorry, I am so sorry..."), his hair, his glasses, his suits, his love for Rose (shut up, I'm a romantic) and appreciation for Martha and companionship with Donna and candor with Jack and Mickey and Jackie and all the other companions.

And cheers also to Russell T. Davies, whose writing improved greatly with time (and, for End of Time, also for not having to cram every single character into the episodes like with Stolen Earth/Journey's End - kitchen sink indeed!) and who guided the writers' TARDIS across 5,000,000,000 to see the Face of Boe, or back to Shakespeare and Dickens; he gave us Bad Wolf and Torchwood and Saxon and planet-robbers and love.


Anybody wanna preview Matt Smith for me? He left a good impression on me in those last few moments, give him that. There's a certain charm about a man who doesn't even realize that his ship is crashing. AND HE'S STILL NOT GINGER!
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