~ Pushing Pennies through th gap in my coffee table (yeah not a good idea).
~ Giving each other our cooties (we decided after we gave ourselves cootie shots, that we enjoyed having each others cooties)
~ Trying to find the pressure point on my arm. ("What are you doing?" "Nothing, sorry, i messed it up!I wastrying to find your pressure point")
~ Making fun of me for fucking up my right and left. ("your right or mine?" "one of these times your gonna say right and actually mean it, and im gonna go left.")
~ Dusti kept calling to see if hed left. ("I SAID ID CALL THE MINUTE HE LEFT!")
~ his insisting on sleeping on the couch. ("I've slept on smaller couches, I've even slept on love seats." "Well arent' you special!" "I am thank you very much")
~ Getting pizza (one catch with him, theres no sauce.)
~ Going into Meijer to get pop ( I bet you 10 cents you wont need that extra 10 cents." "shut up! its my back up incase i didn't count right.")
~ watching him run (OMG!... Its hilarious! its cuter than hell.. .BUT HILARIOUS!)
~ Trying to watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. (we just couldn't keep up with the movie. And discussing his theory of whether it all really happened or whether it was just kind of a dream.)
~ IllWillPress.com (THANKS! NOW IM ADDICTIED TO IT! "Amityville toaster making breakfast spooky, spooky talking toaster, he he he he he, yum yum yum... human hand")
~ He kept hitting his headon pattys paper lanterns that she hung between the living room and the kitchen. ("you have to DUCK!" "Well maybe they're to low!" "well maybe Your to tall" "SHUT UP!")
~ Watching the history channel the next morning ("sorry im a dork, i watch teh history channel" "its cool i watched it yesterday")
~ His Ferrari book. ("read this, You need to learn."..."Stop distracting me! I'm trying to learn!" "Im sorry" "GOD IDIOT!")
~ His morning look ("this is my sexy look." "Holy fuckin shit!" *spikes his hir out* "This is gonna be my official band picture" LOL)
~ Our outdated hand gestures. (me- Cut it out Him - U + ME = US the fact that he knew the rest of the song as well was scary)
~ My Candy wrapper heart (he found it in his pocket and molded it to a herat for m1.. i meant to throw it away but i forgot about it)
~ Getting our nicknames (mr. Incredible and Ms. Awesome)
~ Playing PARTY (he was our official card taker awayer hehe)
~ looking at Dusti's Human Sexuality book (some crazy pics)
~ Spitting my coke out and catching some of it ("I'll take some of that") then wiping it off in front of his door (hehe)
~ Painting our nails (he got dusti's glittery green, and i got a crazy bright pink!)
~ him showing dusti and i his walk down the catwalk (for some reason ben just cant do it right. LOL)
~ our discussion about uncle ben (is he going out with aunt jemima and cheating on her with mrs. butterworth. or the other way around?)
~ PLaying with dusti's neon colored post its (theyre crazy cool when drunk)