Title: An Unknown Roadblock
Fandom: Ultimate X-Men
Characters: Gambit/Rogue/Juggernaut
Prompt: #23 Bella Luna
Word Count: 495
Rating: PG
Summary: There is no such thing as a foolproof plan.
The plans for the heist were coming together perfectly. Remy was still against the whole thing, no matter how much he liked Vegas. It was the only place that came close to reminding him of home as he was found of telling Rogue. Personally, she hated the desert. It was hot and dry and she was tired of having shoes full of sand. Not to mention getting it in other places. She longed for the heat and humidity of the South.
But this, this last strike on the Twins, it had come to first. She wanted that damn gem. That lousy piece of hoodoo, as Gambit was fond of calling it.
"You gonna sit up here all night, Chere?" She hadn't expected him to follow her up to the roof but Rogue had learned long ago to not let anyone see her fear. Instead she chuckled, shifting the files in her lap. "I may. What with that moon, why wouldn't I,' she challenged, canting her head bck and looking up at the big circle of the moon above.
Taking a seat on the edge of the roof next to her, Gambit shifted to wrap an arm around the girl's slender shoulders. "It is all good,' he said, taking the stack from her hands and carefully settting them behind them. "Tomorrow we will go in dere and you will have your pretty shiny and I will pretend I am not disappointed when you leave millions layin' dere. But you will not be able t'do it wit'out sleep, ma bella luna."
She laughed then, shoving him back. 'You are bein' silly, Remy Lebeau. How am I your pretty moon,' she asked, canting her head and pursing her lips in a face that definitely said she wasn't going to buy just any line.
"Because you are radiant and untouchable and yet you are a force t'be reckoned wit. You are da moon, Marion. Never forget dat."
They hesitated, staring at one another a long moment before she tugged a piece of paper from the stack. Pressing it to his lips, Rogue leaned in and kissed him, lingering in a kiss that smelled of wood pulp and spices and tasted of the dust that lingered on the lined sheet. Sighing, she broke the kiss, carefully folding the paper and holding it close to her heart.
"You're right. We're planned for everything,' she admitted, smiling as she gathered the papers to head within. Neither of them aware of the eyes that watched them from another roof. The helmet he wore hid his face, but the way he tensed, hands clenched into tight fists likely revealed more than his eyes might as he watched the pair disappear back into the building.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow he would confront them and claim what was rightfully his once more. Juggernaut was tired of waiting and he was sick of seeing his Rogue with that swamp rat.