I'm back at Shanghai!! XD
I had a great holiday in Indonesia where I met both old and new friends! Thank you everyone for making my holiday a great one!
So, here's a brief summary of my 18 days vacation in Indonesia! ^^
December 21st 2007 - Platinum pair photoshoot [me as Niou; Alcia as Yagyuu]
Photo credits: entirely Liber's, some candids by Lucia
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Comments 15
sayang sekali saya enggak bisa dateng TT^TT/
tapi pengen ketemu (=__________=)
KURA *w*
It's ok, there's always next time =)
1/2 hari kurang yah.....euu....wa malah mulai serius pas jam 6 sore ke atas...setannya dah pada dilepasin kali? XD
JAga kesehatan bu, mo skrip kan?
AfterWord: Thanks for the every seconds you share with us :3 that's SUCH VERY PLEASURE time for us
Pake ada jam2an sgala! Beneran kesetanan ya! XD Kapan2 main bareng lg XD
Iya iya. Ko jd kyk onee-san begini? XD *smacked*
That should be my phrase! Thank you soo much!! =D
and thank YOU for giving us great holiday, too! :D/ it was really fun getting to meet you~ :DD
btw, ryou didn't come to the event at WTC ^^;
No, it was fun getting to meet YOU guys! Really! ^^
OMG!! Thank you for noticing!! I don't know what I was doing when I typed Ryou's name! *faints*
Jgn kapok sama para makhluk2 halus yang berada di Indonesia ini ya... XDD~~ *dibunuh rame-rame* (<< padahal ini makhluk juga termasuk yang brutal kemaren...)
P.S : Nanti sayah boleh minta alamatmu di shanghai nggak? kalo2 kesana ^^ soalnya mungkin dalam waktu dekat-dekat ini sayah/kakak sayah bakal ke hongkong/shanghai/jepang... (kalo ke shanghai mau makan kepiting... XD *dirajam*)
LOL!! It was fun kooo!! XD
Tentu boleh. When ntar dah deket2, remind me lg. XD Ngapain jauh2 ke sini mkn kepiting? o_O Bknnya yg Indo lebih enak ya?
This is Toki btw XD~
but i think you should read my latest entry ... if you decided to unfriend me,i won't blame you for that...
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