
Nov 03, 2005 09:20

last night was brutal. i have injuries galore. AND I'M ON THE RUN FROM HELLS ANGELS!



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Comments 11

shadow_bee November 2 2005, 15:38:05 UTC
..eep..im still counting my bruises from sat night..i was out of control..


hellie_may November 2 2005, 17:10:28 UTC
hahah i think i have misplaced a vertebrae from landing on my back on rics hard tiled floor-i have really swollen and brusied ankles from jumping around in high heels-a bruise on my face from accidentally hitting myself with the microphone-a burn on my back from rolling onto a lit cigarette and many other assorted bruises and bumps and cuts. (and a bruise on my psyche from some gross hell's angel...ewww) i'm ruined for the next few weeks. blegh.



shadow_bee November 2 2005, 18:03:45 UTC
..haha..i think you win..hmm buts lets see..5 bruises on my knees and legs.two matching ones on either elbow.one on my shoulderblade.two on my ribcage.one giant bump on the back of my head.several internal.and i swear one on my butt??.the question is do i do it all again in two days?heh..mrow


hellie_may November 2 2005, 18:12:00 UTC
you should become the human bruise!!!!



_factory November 2 2005, 19:42:32 UTC
you're not running from anybody.

we need a special gesture for the syndicate.


hellie_may November 2 2005, 23:11:01 UTC
no i actually am in trouble with a hells angel (that is until the syndicate is up and running and we can protect ourselves and make enimies).



_factory November 3 2005, 01:24:10 UTC
speaking of, what time is the meeting tomorrow?
I might have to postpone it due to a prior engagement.


hellie_may November 3 2005, 15:01:55 UTC
yes me too. let's say we meet around 5 or 6? or maybe next friday?



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