In the course of yamming and tweeting about a bugbear of mine, I've realised I have enough to say to make a blogpost.
The bugbear is people who want bespoke websites for short-lived projects
Or, anyway, people saying yes to them without asking
pertinent questions.
As I wrote to someone else earlier today: '"Wanting their own site" is a big, big,
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Comments 1
- Dead important head honcho (like oooh Mr Fish) wants it, so it must happen
- I want an ego boost for my project!
And the trouble is that we can't say No. We're just the tech monkeys. And if we say no, they'll just hire a very expensive digital agency to do the work, host it on their servers instead.
Indeed, I have a meeting on Tuesday to deal with some newly created BBC division that wants to cement its big importance-ness with a whole new Intranet site, which apparently requires its own *server*. Never mind that the technologies within it could be useful to the rest of the BBC, it's all about razamatazz and penis-placing.
DQF? "Doesn't Quite Follow here!"
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