Week 2: Winners

May 07, 2006 20:30

Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone who participated! A new theme will be up shortly.

kaotaro is the banner maker this week.

First place: springfly

(Takahashi Ai)

Second place: _iicons

(Tsuji Nozomi)

Third place: lainay

(Risa Niigaki)

SC-Best Text: _iicons

Here is the list of all the people who submitted icons and the icon numbers that correspond with them, if you saw an icon you liked & want to use please make sure you credit the person.

1. ayubon
2. _iicons
3. lainay
4. miyakisan
5. bekochan
6. springfly
7. miyakisan
8. neuskiins
9. _iicons
10. lainay
11. miyakisan
12. bekochan
13. _iicons
14. neuskiins

week 2, winners

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