Acceto Doppio/Soliddo Nazo/DIAVOLO
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Species: Human
History: Subject was born two years after his assumed conception date in an all female prison. The nature of his birth is heavily disputed, and there isn't any genetic evidence that can trace his bloodline outside of that of his mother. Subject apparently lived a normal life under the care of a priest until the subject discovered that his mother had been buried alive underneath the foundation of the house the priest was building for the subject. A fire broke out and the subject was counted amongst the seven dead, including the priest and the subject's mother. Records of the subject's birth name are lost, but he claims his name has always been "DIAVOLO"
However, much later the subject appeared as a soldier within the Passione crime family, working under the name Soliddo Nazo. It was under his policy that the Stand birthing "Arrow" was used on all recruited Soldati, building an army of Stand users loyal to him. Subject claims it was his goal to build a "hell on earth". His side goal of eliminating all of his living relatives, and thus all ties to his humanity, is what eventually killed him.
Subject's death, apparently, lasted one hundred years. Analysis of his memory proves this. The experience drove the already clearly insane subject even more mad. He seems to be fully convince he is the actual "Devil" of his world.
The innocent personality of the subject. Was originally born as a coping mechanism to deal with the brutal torture and murdering of his mother. Doppio seems sealed within the perpetual state of being a teenage boy, though he should be about 19. He is not very intelligent. Subject claims to have learned to control this personality, and contacts him via "phones" in order to give commands.
Soliddo Nazo:
Is the name taken by the personality we created. He is a balance between Doppio and DIAVOLO.
Successful Captures: Twice. One normal capture after the appearance of DIAVOLO and another post-death capture.
Experiments (if applicable): Subject was made to undergo massive psychiatric experimentation. Never before have we seen a Multiple Personality Disorder like this, though rumors of its existence stem from the subject's own nation of "Germany" in the 1600s of their calender.
-DIAVOLO is deemed extremely dangerous, and we attempt to fuse the two personalities together and form "Soliddo Nazo". We believe this could work in our favor, both eliminating a threat as well as advancing our own knowledge of how the human mind functions under these sorts of tests. We were wrong.
-DIAVOLO was still conscious, and through a scheme involving Zelman Clock, subject was able to revive DIAVOLO into a near permanent state. Subject used Doppio off and on in order to execute schemes, forcing Doppio's memories into a state of subconscious existence. We observe for now.
-DIAVOLO uses a ritual from his own world to create a Stand-birthing Arrow. Rather than grant a Stand to other villagers, he fuses "King Crimson" with the "Arrow" and creates what he called a "Requiem". We continue to observe.
-DIAVOLO is subdued and killed by the villagers. Doppio assists them in this. We recover the body and use the collected data to find another solution to the DIAVOLO issue. A memory seal is used on Doppio himself to make this process easier. Though a use of neurotoxic drugs and electro therapy, we are able to put a near permanent seal on DIAVOLO. DIAVOLO was not left conscious this time, and technically no longer "exists". The side effect of these experiments as well as his own death has left the boy with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
Deaths: Once
Death Penalties (if applicable): The Penalty for subject's death was his memory loss. A side effect, unfortunately, is that the personality Doppio has PTS. We are not personally responsible for that Penalty.
NOTE: Only Soliddo Nazo (the current dominant personality) has access to this. He took the file with him on his way down the tunnel.