(no subject)

Apr 16, 2006 17:42

This is my resource page. All credit is given behind the cut.

I know i am bound to have missed some people out. So if you notice that ive used something of yours
in my icons PLEASE email me. xoxjenna_xox@hotmail.com or leave a comment. I want to credit you!!
this is definatly going to be updated all the time cause i'm constantly d/ling new things.
Because the marvelous talented people below keep making pretties!

Ive tried to make sections, however I know people who make textures often make brushes too. So i have put those sections together.

2/3/2010 This was last updated April 16 2006. I have serious work to do on this :sI have word Docs all over the place with lists on, please please please email me if you can to let me know what is yours. I will be updating with what I got super soon I promise :)Thanks

edele ,cap_it , exit47 ,letsbebad , whoresque
_jems_, Lindsay Images, Lost Media, Lost the Series
Marrissa Cooper. Com, Morris Er Caps, Evangeline Lily . net, Flame Persona .com
Pure Zen a Mila Kunis Site,


mixed_bases, basicbases, mykindofmusic, lady_in_grey 
virtuous_sinner, _honeyspider ,luke_delacour,

New Section - Textures

bone_factory   peak77  tearjerkericons likewonderland  aminahlovespatd 17tvfreekyunhe   sweet100x100  crownlet daquien evelites  evangelinevio 
ocean_lounge brucksi kelle spiritcoda infinite_muse innocent_lexys cinefila_icons diamonds_style Kaelcreationsproverbsun youthrillmee midnight_road Denny1984 voguecolours  louisahedegaard kristine_oh  bambinainnero  madnesscarousel  djalina  lolaangieblack    expose42  vikyvampirs

Old Section
resourcelove, colortone, yumei_k, Hybrid Genesis, forbiddenstorm, unmasked_icons, shapeshiftesque, freshmakers, anais_dirge, fira, firaga, dearest, iris_elegance, hermintage, dungeonesque, strawberries007,
wash_when_dirty, amethystia100, icon_vodoo, forbiddenstorm,
whitetomb, chery_sin, _joni, wannablessedbe,
meleada, neke, ewanism,
ohfreckle, arisubox, meleanda ,ownthesunshine 
freshmakers, 77words, aconite, hermyonegranger,


A list of tutorials i have taken will be added at a later date hopefully.
Or if ive taken direct inspiration from a tutorial i will post a link with the piece.

I also need to find some of the artsits that created some of the text brushes i use. I am looking to try and find them all, but again if you notice that you created the text im using please comment if your'e not listed here.


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