System: Ralltiir System
Points of Interest: Grallia Spaceport
Species: Humans
Terrian: Mountains, Wetlands
Language: Basic
Role In The Galaxy: Biggest Banking Center in the Galaxy
Sector or Region: Core Worlds
Planet's Status: Active Population
Population: 10+ Billion Beings
Controlled By: First Independant, then by the Galactic Empire, currently the New Republic.
The Planet of Ralltiir is one of the planets that lies along the Perlemian Trade Route in the Darpa Sector of the Core Worlds. Over the past years Ralltiir was the only planet that could seem to maintain independance from the nearby world of Esseles. Ralltiir is famous for its high-technology, banking industry and is the home of the Grallia Spaceport. Ralltiir's powerful financial institutions are politically netural and have a reputation for being a safe haven for investor's funds.
When the Empire began to rise some fractions of the Empire began to infultrate the financial systems, and began to steer it toward the Imperial direction, by erasing the financial records of nonhuman investors. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin the pro-Alliance members of the Ralltiir High Council tried to restore balance to the markets, and their efforts inspired Emperor Palpatine to use Ralltiir as an example to other worlds that resist his will.
He had a brutal Imperial Force led by Lord Tion devasated Ralltiir and its 10 billion inhabitants. Tion disbaneded the High Council and replaced it with a military tribunal headed by Governer Dennix Graeber, and set up interrogation centers, and public executions of Rebel leaders. He also sealed off the entire Ralltiir system from relif efforts, which severly hurt Ralltiir's ecconomy. When Princess Leia Organa was permitted to land on Ralltiir to deliver medical supplies on a mercy mission, she rescued a wounded rebel soldier, who later revealed the existence of the Death Star.
Ralltiir's ecconomy had been left in ruins and many of the powerful corporations relocated off-world, but Governor Graeber somehow became rich, by secretly supplying the Rebel Underground with weapons, which he then used as a reson to persecute Ralltiir's citizens even more. Before the Battle of Yavin the Alliance raided the Cygnus Corporation's starfighter performance trials near Ralltiir, which resulted in the capture of the Empire's Assault Gunboat design team. Later on durring the New Republic's rise to the become the Galaxy's goverment Ralltiir joined the Council.
Planet: Ralltiir
System: Ralltiir
Sector: Darpa
Galactic coordinates: (68, 73)
System coordinates: (12, 4)
Planet type: temperate/breathable
Planet size: 10x10
Controlled By: None
Total population: 526,076 inhabitants
Civilisation level: 1%
Tax level: 0%
Planet income: 491 credits
Tax income: 0 credits
Ralltiir is a pleasant planet situated in the Darpa Sector, and is well known as the financial capital of the galaxy. Settled by both Coruscani and Alderaanian colonists millennia ago, Ralltiir established itself as a major economic center early in the Old Republic. Ralltiir exploited the wealth that nearby Brentaal and other worlds of the heavily influential Ringali Shell gained via trade, and used it to create thousands of banks in its congested, yet clean, cities.
The people of Ralltiir long embraced a free, capitalist economy, and in turn, supported democracy. A one-hundred member Senate is elected every five years, with a Ralltiirian High Council controlling most affairs, with the approval of the Senate. The position of planetary governor changes every six months between members of the High Council, and the Ralltiirians are cautious not to give too much power to any group of people. Therefore, the planetary Senate and Council is usually split in half between the two opposing political parties. Both the Senate and the High Council convene at their respective meeting halls in the capital of Grallia.
Ralltiir is known for its lethal tigers, whose dens come as close as a kilometer away from downtown Grallia. The people of Ralltiir have used many methods to keep the tigers at bay, and the tigers are often transported by daredevils to unpopulated regions, and the major urban areas are often walled and protected from the ferocious tigers.
The financial capital of the galaxy remains neutral in the Galactic Civil War. Though heavily populated, it has been untouched by the ravages of the war. Both the Empire and the Alliance use the financial systems offered at Ralltiir, and countless neutral factions use their banks as well. Though the government of Ralltiir struggles to remain neutral, it is obvious that their planet will remain untouched, for their monetary assets and economic influence could easily destroy any enemy.
The planet Ralltiir was once a beautiful and prosperous
member of the Core Worlds. That was before the dark
times....before the Empire.
Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, the world was subjugated on the orders of Emperor Palpatine. Ralltiir was a high-tech planet, and lay on the busy Perlemian Trade Route. For many years, Ralltiir had been seen as a center of banking, and its financial institutions were famed for their stability. However, even these secure banks were not free of the Emperor's reach. His agents altered the planetwide fiscal records, deleting the life savings of nonhumans and Rebel sympathizers. When the Ralltiir High Council attempted to repair the damage, the situation worsened.
An Imperial task force took Ralltiir, disbanding the High Council and setting up a puppet military tribunal in its place. Led by Lord Tion, the invaders blockaded the planet and began arresting supposed treasonous members of the planet. Luckily, the news of Ralltiir's terrible troubles reached Rebel ears, and Princess Leia set off on a mercy mission to the planet. She brought with her supplies, though was soon the center of Lord Tion's attention. His huge ego led him to believe the Princess was smitten with him, and attempted to arrange an intimate dinner with her. However, he was interrupted by a supposed Rebel raid at Grallia spaceport's southern perimeter. With Tion's men diverted, a wounded Rebel soldier staggered up to Leia with information concerning a new Imperial superweapon, code-named the 'Death Star'.
Darth Vader was also on-planet, to observe the pacification of its natives. He almost uncovered the Rebel ruse, but Princess Leia managed to convince the Dark Lord that their intentions on Ralltiir were innocnt. Though Leia and the wounded soldier were able to leave Ralltiir, Vader now had little doubt the Princess was a secret Rebel agent. However, armed with the information given to her, Leia began a chain of events that led to the destruction of the Death Star, and eventually, the end of the Empire. Because of its role in the Rebellion, Ralltiir was given the honour of being the first planet liberated from the Empire when the New Republic rose to power.
Ralltiir, located in the system of the same name, lies along the Perlemian Trade Route in the Darpa sector of the Core Worlds, just on the border of the Colonies region. Over the last several hundred years, Ralltiir was the only planet in the Darpa sector that was able to maintain its independence from the nearby world of Esseles. In recent history, Ralltiir was an attractive, high-technology world famous for its banking industry and home to the Grallia Spaceport.
The planet's powerful financial institutions were politically neutral and had a reputation as a "safe haven" for investors' funds. With the rise of the Empire, certain factions began to infiltrate Ralltiir's financial system and steer its markets in a pro-Imperial direction-- erasing the fiscal records of alien investors, for instance. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, pro-Alliance members of the Ralltiir High Council tried to stop this and restore balance to the markets-- inspiring the Emperor to use Ralltiir as an example to other worlds that would resist his will.
A brutal Imperial force, led by Lord Tion, immediately invaded Ralltiir and left the planet and its ten billion inhabitants in shambles. Tion disbanded the High Council, replaced it with a military tribunal headed by Imperial Governor Dennix Graeber, and set up interrogation centers and public executions of Rebel leaders. He also sealed off the entire Ralltiir system (not even permitting relief organizations to travel through his blockade), severely hurting commerce along the Perlemian Trade Route.
Princess Leia Organa, on a mercy mission to deliver medical supplies and equipment to the High Council of Ralltiir, was permitted to land by Tion. The Princess rescued a wounded Rebel soldier, who later revealed the existence of the Death Star project. Ralltiir's economy is now in ruins, as many of its powerful corporations have relocated offworld.
Since the occupation, Governor Graeber has been getting rich by secretly supplying the Rebel underground with weapons, which he then uses as a justification to persecute Ralltiir's citizens even further. Prior to the Battle of Yavin, an Alliance raid on the Cygnus Corporation's starfighter performance trials near Ralltiir resulted in the capture of the Assault Gunboat design team. Elea Poista, a top Exex at Bespin Motors and an occasional Alliance contact, gained her position after transferring from a shipping company on Ralltiir. [SWR, SWS, MTS, GG2, FP, SWAJ]