
Mar 21, 2007 08:55

There are few things quite as delightful as receiving a utility bill 3 days after the cut-off date.

Atmos Energy, you are asshats. That is all.

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Comments 2

jmtimages March 21 2007, 21:45:47 UTC
Or the newspaper bill one day before it's due.... But you're right, they are asshats for doing that to you guys....


hellocobweb March 23 2007, 19:10:14 UTC
Technically speaking, we're supposed to pay them the day after they take the meter reading. How, I'm not quite sure. O.o I was told that they're "just being generous" when they wait two weeks after that to cut off your service.

Atmos has monopoly-mentality bad in our area. They stopped caring about customers the moment people had no alternative to them. I'm calculating how much it would cost to upgrade our house to all-electric, but I fear that it'll be way too expensive to do in the forseeable future.

I just really feel sorry for the folks who had to heat their houses over the past month...


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