Sold a hefty bit of my remaining music gear today, for about a third of what it's worth. But at least I'll be able to upgrade my 8-year old computer now, which is a good thing. I'll miss my bass guitar, though.
Since I'm a bit down about that, I thought I'd share something that makes me a little happier:
Roy Zimmerman. And if someone can still
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Comments 5
Spring tends to be the Season of Beginnings; Summer the Season of Struggles. Autumn is often the first chance we get to catch our breath and reflect on where our life (and our crops, and our friends) have gone.
I'm still reeling a bit from things that happened years ago. It isn't that I cling to them; some just have long-reaching repercussions. Some have, without trying to sound too grand, changed my life - and few have done so for the better. But we can't change the past, and even if we could, we shouldn't want to.
I still miss you, though. ^-^
music equipment is about the only thing that hasn't gotten "the look of scrutiny" as I moved the contents of my house into hers ( ... like all the books, and unused computer parts, and out-dated consumer electronics ... )
I just got my bass back from my old singer this month. they are fun.
I'm in the process of repositioning the pickguard so it aligns better, and rewiring the innards.
Whatever happened to that Les Paul Special you were reenvisioning the shape of?
it's been too long, my friend. Hope you are well.
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