So hey guys~ Anybody have any holiday plans? Not that we have Christmas where I come from, but it's still an awesomely awesome and fun holiday! ANOTHER EXCUSE TO EAT JUNK FOOD AND PARTY, AWWYEAAAH.
I'm feeling very cut-off and isolated. I sort of understand what's going on with Ana and her brother, but I feel like I can't do much. She's a friend, I want to do something for her, but it seems like I'm in the dark here. I offered to help, and nobody ever got back to me on that.
Do people not trust me again? I hope not. I really hope not, because that's the worst thing in the world, to not have anybody trust you. Ana does, I know she does. She's one of the people left here that can see some of the real me...that other guy that hides under the capslock key and pink clothes.
Crap, I hate feeling helpless. If I was home I could've solved this with little to no difficulty. Here? Ha...yeah right. I can't even protect my friends. How could I tell them that I'd do whatever it takes to help them out without sounding like a complete sappy jerk? I'm not a knight in shining armor or anything, just a guy that worries about those who are important to him. I've already lost a lot of people, I don't want to lose more...
I need to stop typing this, it's getting pretty damn depressing.