Title: Translations Not Provided
Prompt: lollapalooza, Scotty
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Rating: G
Word Count: 150
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Montgomery Scott, Spock (cameo)
Continuity: Set just before the end of the film. (Basically, whenever the Enterprise is fixed and the crew allowed back again.)
Summary: Scotty tries to express himself. No one understands him, not even the Vulcan.
Disclaimer: Characters mentioned are used without permission and are trademarks of CBS/Paramount/Gene Roddenberry. I do not own them and am simply borrowing for my purposes. Please don't sue.
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st_reboot and
Scotty let out a long whistle. "Well, ain't she a ripsnorter?"
Instead of agreeing, though, only blank stares and quirked eyebrows were offered.
His brows furrowed. Did they not understand what he was saying here? "A ripsnorter. Ya know, a sockdolager; a lollapalooza; a corker; a pippin; a dilly-- a doozy."
Nothing. Not even a flash of comprehension among them.
One more try: "A humdinger, you ken?"
It was Spock who spoke for the crew present. "I believe the obvious response to be that we do not."
Disappointed, Scotty's shoulders slumped. "Jus' meant she's a beaut s'all."
Finally, exclamations of understanding and murmurs of agreement rang out. It was too late, though; the moment had already been lost.
How he could be so misunderstood while speaking perfectly acceptable (if somewhat accented) Standard, he'd never know. He just hated that his beloved Enterprise had suffered for it. She didn't deserve that.