Name- Lauren Sparks
Location-Fayetteville NC
Bands/artist-Death Cab For Cutie, CKY, Brighteyes, Blink 182, Placebo, Something Corporate, Some of Brand New, Breaking Benjamin, Fall Out Boy, Hawthorne Heights, Old Green Day, Cold Play,CrossFade, Dresden Dolls, Tsunami Bomb, Evanescance, Marilyn Manson, MCR, The Used, No Doubt, Queen, Three Days Grace, Third Eye Blind, Three Doors Down, TBS, The Darkness, The White Stripes,Lacuna Coil. Slipknot, and more....
songs-Motorcycle Driveby, Sara's Mask, Clocks, Colors, Coin Operated Boy, Drunk Girl, I believe in a thing called love, Vermillion Part 2, The Ghost of you, Bicycle Race, Ohio is for lovers, basketcase, Special K. Fallen Interlude, Your Heavens A Lie
movies-The Notebook, Garden State, Cold Mountain. Sweet November, The Nightmare Before Christmas, A walk to Remember,The Harry Potter Movies, The first starwars cause thats the only one ive seen, Napoleon Dynamite, Rush Hour 2, The Screams, Saw, The village, The sixth Sense, 13 GHost, DOdgeball, The Rings, Gothika, Darkness Falls, Lord Of The RIngs, Swim Fan, Mean Girls ect.
foods-Pizza, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, basically if its edible ill eat it
places to be-Sheldon's House She is ma buddy, My house, Friends Houses, The Pool, The Mall, My Bed
color-Pink, Black , Orange, Red, Sharpoe Lime Green, Purple. Hot Pink,
books-The Perks The first Harry Potter, Sookie Stackhouse series,Good Night Mr.Tom, right now i cant think of many.
George Bush-I think that he is a disgrace to our government and he doesnt know what he is doing and he is not a very openminded person
abortion-I think it is fine up until the 3rd month then it is to late, i think it should be the carriers choice if they want to terminate the pregnacy. A baby could ruin a young girls chances at many things in her life.
gay marriage-I support gay marriage i think that it is wonderful to celevbrate diversity. After all who is to say that only true love can exsist in just a heterosexual relationship. I think it is unfair that gays and lesbians are discriminated against everyday.
do you think religion should be taught in school?-No, I believe that it is a bad idea to teach religion in school. It goes against many beliefs and many people have different views and opinions on religion, so it would be unfair to try and teach someone something that they didnt believe in.
4 things most people dont know about you- My emotions are basically numb, Im not happy, I can be the meanest person you know, I want to be a psychologist
3 things in your life that you love-music,friends.my mom
2 things you regret in life-i can say i regret many things in life but truely i dont regret anything ive done in my life because if i dwell on the past for to long i just relive the past over again.
1 thing you couldnt live without-some who loves me (like a friend or my mom ect)
i couldnt get the pictures on here...it was being gay