Seen at Lamardeuse's LJ: "Post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations. No more than one sentence!"
“I like it hot,” Lance looks at her nametag, “Gwen.”
I deal in secrets and sanitizer.
Clarissa: On the other hand it might be good to strike before the leaden circles dissolve in the air.
We would play Hide-And-Seek sometimes, too, and laugh and laugh in the empty hallways postered with images of waterfalls and bearded-men, bible verses and prayers.
Sometimes I wonder if maybe my life is an elaborate stage plot to amuse some higher power, or aliens.
Just as quickly as time would allow, Finnegan pinned her hair back up out of the way with a comb that doubled as a throwing dagger, loosened her corset, pulled on the strings that retracted her bustle, and patted the raygun strapped in the thigh holster just under her short bloomers.
I felt it in my marrow, beneath the ground, an echo of a thousand years, a million years, a hundred billion years- before the sun existed, before silence, before noise, before time and stars and dust and-a heartbeat.
A ragged hand from behind clutched at the leg, a face hovered over it in the fluorescent light: eyes bulging, mouth a jagged hole in a pale face.
“Hello, John, I'm Rodney, would you mind removing your filthy non-house-trained worm-ridden behind from my pristine carpeting?"
Apparently my name tonight is Lady Emrys.
There was a brief affair in 1954, when Gabriel spent a summer as a tree.
A passing shopper thought it was the immensely pretty boy that Merlin was drooling over and sighed, dramatically, “It's only a model!”
I knew I was home when I saw Batman and The Joker walking next to each other down the street and Wonder Woman sipping Starbucks under an umbrella.
Tea stains the wood, little black puddles like ink or blood spreading underneath the broken white cups.