Who: Jonathan Hollom and those who might be at the hospital
When: Day 56
Where: Bell Pointe Hospital
What: A full stomach and a rested mind allow for a different perspective.
Rating: PG?
After the angel had left, Jonathan Hollom had eaten his fill and wandered about until he'd found a bed. The steady floor and utter silence made it difficult for a man used to a rolling sea and a series of bells every half hour to fall asleep, but he eventually had. Once settled, he'd slept soundly, not stirring in the slightest for almost thirty-six hours.
How quiet the Surprise seemed, he thought as he began to wake. What orders could Captain Aubrey have given that he heard no stirrings to either side, no footsteps above. The ship was never so still, even when they'd hid in the fog. The last vestiges of sleep broke quickly as Hollom's mind caught him up to the present. He remembered the water-- strangely warm, even though he'd always imagined even South American water would be frigid, perhaps because of the manner in which he'd entered it-- and the pressure. He remembered suddenly standing on the shore. He remembered the laughter, running... the strange creatures in the fog... the young woman in silver and white. He also remembered, unbidden, that he had left the cannonball on the rocky ground near the lighthouse. Then he felt a strange inclination to go back for it.
His head ached a bit as he got up; his stomach clenched. Jonathan slowly made his way out into the hall, looking about. There was a room here with food. He remembered that much. He just... couldn't recall which direction it was.