Who: Anyone~
When: Any time of the day, once something shiny happens, he looks up and loses his place and has to start the book over again lol.
Where: Walkway of his house.
What: Just trying to keep his mind active while things around him ignore his tantrums.
Rating: Not sure, probably G depending.
He can't read, but it's sure fun to pretend. )
Though... there was the off chance that he would run into someone to fight but so far he's been one for three. Maybe he'd walk a little longer to satisfy his waning curiosity.
The hollow stopped walking, seeing some kid staring at him. In clothes that Arrancar tended to wear at 'home'. He watched the other with suspicion, unsure if this was one of the Arrancar that Grimmjow told him about when he first arrived in Bell Pointe.
With another small sound accompanied by a drawled out set of other unintelligible attempts at saying things, he stood along the side walk, face to face with this interesting new visitor. His thumb rose up to his mouth and he began slow steps forward, no sign of stopping in the near future.
"If ya wanna fight then come at me like ya fuckin' mean it."
Weiss sincerely hoped so, he wasn't about to turn down a play date.
His face twisted into a warped sense of a smile and his body readied itself for a forward attack, hand to hand ought to allow the power of deduction to help him figure out how tough his opponent was. He flew forward speedily, his hand closed into a fist aimed right properly at his new playmate.
Insult? The kid must have thought he could take him on. Fine then. The hollow didn't have a proper chance to try out his hand to hand combat skills before so he was game for it. The hollow darted forward using his restricted shunpo to catch the other's punch.
He raised his eyes from his hand to the inverse ones.
All at once his next set of moves were akin to violent succession of hits or kicks, his arms moving quickly with that twisted glee on his face.
When the Arrancar began his flurry of attacks, the hollow moved slightly to avoid those that came a little close to hitting him--but he wasn't backing away into a retreat--and blocked the strikes with his arms before he tried to land a punch of his own at the kid's face.
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