Dean's Leather Duster
Ok, technically, you could call this a costume and I shouldn’t be including it in the catalogue, but, it’s so awesome, I couldn’t resist. So, this is a leather duster coat that Dean picked up in 1861. He looks good.
Brand Information:
Custom Made from Australian Oilcloth.
In Frontierland (6x18), Dean buys this duster somewhere in the middle of the night/very early morning, in Sunrise, Wyoming, on March 4/5, 1861, before he is due to meet up with the posse. He still has it on when he returns to the present time.
FATE: I like to pretend that it's somewhere safe. Actually, I like to pretend that Dean wears it when Sam's not around, and... I should probably be keeping this project PG, eh? Shutting up now.
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