Title: Damned Demented Demons
hells_half_acreFandoms: Supernatural/Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Word Count: 103,000
Warnings: Spoilers for all Harry Potter books, Spoilers up to 4x17 for Supernatural (but takes place shortly after 4x11).
Disclaimer: This is a transformative work of fiction for entertainment purposes only.
A/N: I thought that the Battle of Hogwarts took place in Spring 1997...so that's what I based my timeline on. Since then I've seen that most sources have it in 1998. Ah well. In this story it's 1997. The events of the story take place sometime in late 2008.
Summary: Harry Potter saves the Winchesters from a Dementor attack, but the Winchesters aren't the only ones that need protecting.
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SEQUELS! (Banner by
syikana )
The entire story is also
available to read and download on AO3.