Rewatch S14: Game Night (14x17)

Dec 06, 2020 22:28

Okay! Obviously mid-week doesn't work for rewatches, since I didn't factor in needing to cook dinner for myself and then getting too sleepy.

So, weekend rewatches! I will try to be good and finish these in the next 4 weeks, given that I only have 4 episodes left of this season.

Also, here's a tip: If you want to fix your DVD player, just buy a new ( Read more... )

rewatch s14

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Comments 2

borgmama1of5 December 7 2020, 14:10:34 UTC
Random thought--people are upset that Dean got taken out by a piece of rebar, yet Sam gotten taken out by a rock...I know, Sam got to come back right away (because he didn't get a big speech)...Did Jack pull him back from the Empty? Or wasn't Sam dead long enough for the Empty to claim him? I know, all of these thoughts are totally irrelevant to this review ( ... )


hells_half_acre December 7 2020, 18:57:05 UTC
It's true, Sam was nearly taken out by a HUMAN with a rock. Also, in Red Meat he was nearly taken out on a random werewolf hunt/chocked to death by a human.... the only reason we find that believable but Dean's death unbelievable is that it didn't stick. But, in actual reality, we're not going to get epic Butch&Sundance deaths - though I know that's what Dean/J2 always said that they wanted. The fact that Dean died on a hunt is pretty believable to me, regardless of the scale of the hunt and the cause of death. And, much like the gun debate, it wasn't the rebar that killed him, it was the vampire (a strong supernatural creature) that impaled him on it ( ... )


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