General Shift Information

Jan 03, 2010 12:43

This is something of a catch-all for things that are important to know IC, such as how healing works, how the days starts and ends, etc. If you have any questions not addressed in this post, please contact the mods.

1. Equipment does not automatically replenish itself. If you lose your notebook, it's gone. If you use your pens to stab out the eyes of a monster/fellow prisoner, they're gone.

2. Equipment can and will be confiscated. Equipment that is not standard prison issue must be hidden from sight or it will be confiscated by the guards. Any patient caught by the dogs will have all non-standard equipment confiscated when they are returned to their cell by the guards.

3. Lighting: During the night in most areas, the lighting is very dim (and creepy) but still enough to see by for anyone with decent night vision. Any area near an outside wall, where there will be windows or skylights, will have enough light. Other rooms that don't touch the external walls or have no possibility of skylights will be pitch black. During the day, of course, there's normal institutional lighting plus natural light.

4. Shift Changes: All shift changes will be announced by everyone's best friend, the Warden, in a post in the IC community.

5. End of Day Shift: At the end of each day shift, after dinner, the prisoners will be marched to their cells and locked in. The Warden will announce which prisoners (by number) will be participating in SNMB Duty. These prisoners will be dragged from their cells, and the other prisoners will be able to hear if they scream or struggle. Once the lucky participants have been taken out of sight, the guards turn and file out of the prison, leaving the prisoners alone in their cells. The Warden then sounds the siren and kills the main lights. The doors unlock and slide open, and the fun begins.

6. End of Night Shift: Three OOC days before the night shift is scheduled to end, the Warden will make an announcement and sound the siren again, indicating that the "dogs" have been released. You have those three OOC days to get your character back to their cell with the door shut safely behind them, or they will be mauled by the warden's canine friends and thrown into their cells by the guards.

7. Beginning of Day Shift: All prisoners will be healed to the point that they can walk on their own, if slowly, prior to the beginning of day shift. (The manner this is accomplished is noted in #11 below, "Healing.") Prisoners are awoken by a bugle call piped through the prison PA, followed by the Warden's cheerful morning message. Guards file in, doors are opened, and the prisoners are escorted to take their morning showers. The prison will also notable be clean. All bloodstains, etc, will appear to have been cleared up during the sleep shift, though if a prisoner managed to dent a wall with their head, the dent will still be visible.

8. Sleeping: At the end of the night shift there will be sufficient time for the prisoner's to get a good night's sleep, assuming they can sleep with the dogs prowling around outside their cells. This time will not be RPed as a shift, since it will be solitary, but if your character is doing something other than sleeping, you may post their actions as a response under the warden's post no more than two days after the change over is posted. If you don't post it, it didn't happen, and your character simply spent the time sleeping.

9. The prison is not safe during the day. Guards will happily jump on prisoners and beat them down if a fight starts, or if the prisoner has been antagonizing them. (Guards will be controlled by NPC mods or the regular mods.) If there is a fight between prisoners, please inform the mods or an NPC mod. Prisoner on prisoner violence can occur during the day if it is either hidden from the guards, or if the prisoners bribe the guards to ignore it.

10. Powers: During the day, your powers are completely limited. You cannot make use of any "supernatural" ability whatsoever, no matter how minor. At night, the limited powers agreed upon in your application take effect.

UPDATE (Oct 22nd 09)

- Characters that hold magical powers/abilities (such as Yuuri/Maou’s water based spells or Tassadar’s Psionic/Telepathic abilities) have now unlocked one more level in their power-usage. These characters can use one semi-powerful spell per night, but at the cost of the character’s stamina/energy level. Each time they use their powers, their energy levels will be drained. Use the power too much and it is possible for the character in question to pass out and die from exhaustion.
- Characters that hold no special magical powers/abilities (such as Armand and Cloud): While they have no magical powers or abilities to enhance, their healing rate has been accelerated to twice the speed of magical based prisoners. Like the magic users, the faster healing rate will consume precious energy and make the character in question feel lethargic.

11. Healing: During the sleep shift, any prisoner that is more than superficially wounded will be taken out of his or her cell and moved to the prison clinic. Prior to removal, their collar will shock them into unconsciousness, and thus they will not know what is done to treat their injuries. However, this visit with the doctors allows for strange, accelerated healing. Even the worst of injuries, such as long bone breaks, will heal completely in five days or less.

12. Character Death: While character death can happen, it does not mean the end of the character. At the warden's whim (and for any character that dies which the player wishes to continue playing), such prisoners are brought back to life and deposited into a new cell and given a new prisoner number. Any non-standard-issue equipment they had or had hidden in their cells is gone, and they clearly remember the unpleasant experience of actually dying. There is no question about it. Your character died, but somehow they were brought back. Killed prisoners wake up in the morning with all other "new" prisoners.

13. Weather: Unless otherwise specified by a mod, the weather is lovely - neither too hot nor too cold, and sunny. At night, there is a full moon, so that you can see by the light. The moon never changes phase.
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