God is in Heaven now (the most logical guess, I suppose).

Jun 23, 2007 07:13

Name (real name if possible): SK.
Nicknames: SK is one of them, Rekka, and random ones that I get on a whim.
Age: 16.
Sex: F.
Do you want to be rated as an anime character or a manga/OVA character?: I prefer OVA, but I'll choose either.
When members are voting, do you prefer to be rated as a male or a female character? (Choose one or both, if sex doesn't matter, please indicate): Since the girls kick ass in Hellsing, either.

Hobbies: Anime, manga, drawing, laptops, computers, CDs, my friends and family, working alone, music, dragons, trenchcoats, chocolate, popcorn, internet, roleplaying, money, swords, Japan, icon-making, movies, cosplay, video games, glasses, control over things/power, cartoons, tea, orchestra, violin, track (sprinting), strategic games, Pirates of the Caribbean, the British, Kingdom Hearts, Phoenix Wright for DS, DDR, karaoke/singing, yaoi/shonen-ai, yuri/shojo-ai, cats.
Have any special talents?: I've been a violinist since 5th grade, I can draw pretty well, I'm a cosplayer so I can sorta make costumes and style wigs, and my fingers are double-jointed.
What are your strengths?: I'm usually mature and the voice of reason, unless I'm in a weird mood, in which then I can be quite unpredictable (I've been called a dork multiple times). ♥ I'm pretty responsible, since I'm the oldest child of my family, although I tend to be lazy on things, procrastinating to the last minute (but that's not much of a strength, eheh). I'm calm (but I can overreact at random times) and loyal to my friends/family caring deeply for my friends to the point of protecting them as well as my siblings. I'd never think of betraying them even if they ever betrayed me. I am quite intelligent and do well in school. I'm told to be quite witty. And actually, I'm pretty good at teasing and scaring people.
What are your weaknesses?: Because I tend to bottle my emotions and can be sensitive at times, I tend to fall into depression easily and worry a hell of a lot, even though I want to appear like nothing's bothering me at all and let things bounce off me. At times I'm very pessimistic, only thinking of the ways things could go wrong and what has gone wrong, but it's only because I don't want to think it's positive when it's really negative and be brought down further than I already am. I can also be slightly cold to some people and quiet, depending on how talkative the other person is (and if I know them well or not). If they're quite social, then I tend to be quieter to balance things out, and if they're less talkative, I want to open them up, so I tend to speak up more, and if on the right topic (such as something I'm obsessed with), I may be chatting for quite a bit. Even though I sometimes appear slightly anti-social, I do have friends, but at times I'm just alone since my friends have other friends than just myself, which can get on my nerves sometimes...call me selfish, but I can't control the way I feel. I tend to jump to conclusions too easily and am quite the observer, over-analyzing and thinking too much about things...and (sometimes) in the end not getting the correct conclusions. Oh, and I procrastinate a lot, but seem to get everything done on my agenda in the end, no matter how much time I have. I also seem to find the faults in something more than the achievements (just look at my application's strengths compared to weaknesses; my weaknesses are much longer), and would rather have the urge to say something that would improve something rather than a comment on how well a person did whatever they did. Oh, and I like to make sarcastic or smartass comments, although I tend to think of it as "logically pointing things out"...and I hate admitting that I'm wrong on almost anything. I hate defeat. So it's also hard for me to apologize to someone. I'm also disorganized (because I find it a hassle to clean my room), but I usually find things nonetheless.
Have any bad habits we should know about?: They're all in my weaknesses, unless you count biting my fingernails.
Use six positive adjectives to best describe yourself: Level-headed (unless under stress), intelligent/logical, loyal, caring deep down, witty, protecting.
Use six negative adjectives to best describe yourself: Obsessive, sarcastic, secretive, pessimistic, paranoid, critical to some.
Favorite book?: Lots of manga. Oh. And Harry Potter.
Favorite movie?: Pirates of the Caribbean.
Favorite Music Genre?: Rock, Alternative Rock, Contemporary Christian, Anime, Orchestral, "Emo" (like Evanescence and Linkin Park).
Favorite Hellsing character? Why?: It's hard to say. I like a lot of the characters. So I'd rather not say and get ideas into your heads that might sway your voting.

Day person or Night person?: Night. I'm a bit of a nightowl, and sleep in late whenever possible. I'm NOT a morning person.
Realist or Idealist?: Realist.
Impulsive or Controlled?: Controlled.
Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert.
Master or Slave? (Leader or Follower, for you folks who're no fun! ;) ): I can be both, depending on the situation or if I choose to step up to the plate or not, because I am capable of being a leader. But sometimes I just do things on my own.

How do you react to a stressful situation?: If it's major, I get easily pissed at other people and myself, and most of the time isolate myself. I don't deal with stress very well... But if it's a little thing, I might just worry a little, but act like I'm still very calm. So no one notices 80-90%% of the time. They think I have a cool head 24/7.
If your friends or comrades are in trouble, what do you do?: Help them, duh. Save their asses.
In your group of friends, who are you (the leader, the smart one, the comic relief, etc.)?: I keep them from being too crazy. So I guess the voice of reason/smart one, and I tend to plan a lot of things as well when I'm with them (because no one else does...)
What kind of relationship do you have with your family?: I'm very close to them, although I can feel a tug that I'm becoming much more individualistic than I was before and not quite as "Ok, I'll do whatever you say". Although I'm still very loyal to them.
Do you prefer to work with a group or on your own?: Usually on my own. Then there's no one to bother, annoy, or slow me down.
If you were a character in Hellsing, would you prefer to use guns or another weapon for defense? If other, what?: Any of them, really. I'd prefer a weapon to bare hands. I tend to like sharp objects, actually...like swords.
What are your thoughts (short) on drinking blood?: It's what vampires have to do. I don't get how they like the taste, though. It's so...metal-y. But yeah. That's it.
Are you religious? If so, how religious are you? If not, why aren't you?: I'm a contemporary Christian, but since there are contradictions in the Bible, sometimes I just live life halfly on what the Bible says and halfly on my own interpretation. But yes; I believe.
How do you want to die?: Not a slow, painful death.
If given the choice, which group would you find yourself a member of - Hellsing, Millennium, Iscariot? Why?: Eh, hard to say. So I won't say. (I know; booooring.)

Anything else we should know about you?: I'm a very obsessive person. I tend to think about a certain thing for the longest time, and also make friends more easily if they like what I am obsessed with (I don't mean to sound selfish; it's just the truth). I tend to kid around with close friends (because it's amusing) and be serious with people I don't consider "close", sometimes to the point of pushing myself away from others since most people are too outgoing and make me feel uncomfortable...although I put up a friendly facade at most times (especially at work), unless I'm dealing with people who annoy me or piss me off (in which I try to give the cold shoulder). I also have lots of people I consider "acquaintances", but very few true "friends". Lots of times, like when I was little, I used to only have one true "friend" and they'd be my only friend and no one elses...although that's changed now, sometimes I still feel it should be that way. I get stressed out of my grades and anything with a due date. I also have a bad habit of staying up late, in which I regret in the morning... Oh, and I have a hard time not being extremely serious or extremely joking sometimes, since it's a hard balance to find. So you may see two sides of me. I can get paranoid sometimes too and find it hard to trust most people, unless I'm really close to them and know they won't lie to me. Um...I smirk a lot?
Let us take a gander at you, or if not, a brief description, please: Ah ha, almost forgot this. But this isn't a mirror rating comm, so I won't post any pictures. I'm tall with green eyes and usually wear a black trenchcoat. Sound good?
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