Name: Melissa
Nicknames: N/A
Age: Eighteen today!
Sex: Female
Do you want to be rated as an anime character or a manga/OVA character?: Either is fine.
When members are voting, do you prefer to be rated as a male or a female character? (Choose one or both, if sex doesn't matter, please indicate): I would rather be voted as a male, because I don’t really identify well with the female characters.
Drawing, painting, writing, reading, listening to music, and spending time with my friends.
Have any special talents?:
I love to create art, and I’ve been drawing and painting for a few years now (explained more in the "Strengths" section).
What are your strengths?:
1. Artistic/Creative: Since I was little, I’ve always loved drawing. During high school (I graduated in May) I took as many art classes as I could, including two A.P. Studio Art courses and A.P. Art History. I’ve finished my drawing portfolio (thirty pieces so far) and have submitted it to the College Board here for the A.P. test, where judges will choose a grade between 1 and 5. I’m hoping for a 4, but I have yet to receive anything in the mail yet. Hopefully, after two years at community college I can transfer over to a four year university, hopefully an art school! :D
2. Intelligent and Open-minded: I find myself fairly intelligent, and I’m a good listener and give good advice. I try and look at everything from every angle possible to better understand it, whatever it may be. I won’t judge anyone unless I have a good reason to.
3. Loyal: If you have earned my trust, may it be through friendship or otherwise, you will have my loyalty until it is betrayed. I stand by those I care about no matter what. Along with that point, I am extremely protective of those I care about, especially my best friend. If anyone tries to mess with her-and, even if she doesn’t want me to butt in-I’m still incredibly defensive.
What are your weaknesses?:
1. Lack of social skills/Antisocial or avoidant: As far as first impressions go, I may seem cold or indifferent, and I’ve been told by my friends that they thought I was mean or scary when they first saw me. ^^; The reason that may be is because I have the worst time opening up to new people, and it takes me at least a year or a little under to actually relax enough to do it. In public (nowhere near my friends and those who I feel comfortable with) I don’t actively go out of my way to talk to others. Unless someone talks directly to me or they have asked the group for their opinions, and I have one, then I will stay silent. I’m an observer most of the time.
2. Temperamental: When provoked, I can have the nastiest temper ever. I may seem quiet and docile at times, but I can be kind of scary when I’m really mad. I’m also quite cynical.
3. Paranoid: I tend to freak myself out, usually by hearing things and seeing things I know aren’t really there (or at least I hope they’re not..). Let’s leave it at that. ^^;
Have any bad habits we should know about?:
I have a little problem with chain-smoking when the opportunity presents itself. I should probably try and quit..
Use six positive adjectives to best describe yourself:
1. Creative
2. Intelligent
3. Open-minded
4. Loyal
5. Protective
6. Strong-willed.
Use six negative adjectives to best describe yourself:
1. Cold
2. Temperamental (when provoked)
3. Aggressive (at times)
4. Procrastinator
5. Paranoid
6. Worrier
Favorite book?:
It’s a tie between Neverwhere (written by Neil Gaiman) and Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (written by Haruki Murakami).
Favorite movie?:
What Dreams May Come
Favorite Music Genre?:
I really love Jrock/Visual Kei, but I’ll listen to anything as long as it’s not rap, R&B, gospel, or country.
Favorite Hellsing character? Why?:
Of course, I must say that Alucard is my favorite. He’s such an intriguing character, and even though there is little known of his past. This makes me want to know more about him, and his abilities.
Day person or Night person?:
I am more focused and work better at night, especially after 2 a.m.
Realist or Idealist?:
Impulsive or Controlled?:
Controlled. I’m not the sort of person who rushes blindly off into action (of any sort) without thinking things through first.
Introvert or Extrovert?:
Master or Slave? (Leader or Follower, for you folks who're no fun! ;) ):
Slave baby, but I’ll be the Master if I’m asked to. ;3 *feels slightly perverted*
How do you react to a stressful situation?:
I stay as calm and level-headed as possible in order to not cause more alarm. I comfort others instead of worrying about myself.
If your friends or comrades are in trouble, what do you do?:
I do anything in my power to aid them.
In your group of friends, who are you (the leader, the smart one, the comic relief, etc.)?:
I’m the supporter and observer.
What kind of relationship do you have with your family?:
We have our ups and downs, but that’s normal. No one family is perfect (and if so, then there’s something terribly wrong).
Do you prefer to work with a group or on your own?:
As I mentioned in #01 of the "Weaknesses" section, I don’t actively go out of my way to converse with others unless I have something to say. In a group, I’ll voice my opinion and if someone doesn’t know what to do I’ll make suggestions. If I’m asked to be the leader, then I’ll do what I have to.
If you were a character in Hellsing, would you prefer to use guns or another weapon for defense? If other, what?:
Guns seem more practical than any other weapon, so I’d use them if they were available to me. My second choice would be blades, because I’ve always loved them. If for some reason I was weaponless, I’d try to use any object I could find.
What are your thoughts (short) on drinking blood?:
I don’t mind. This is survival, here -- so be it.
Are you religious? If so, how religious are you? If not, why aren't you?:
I’m not a fan of organized religion, and as for personal spirituality, I usually don’t give it much thought. Religion isn’t a large part of my life, no matter how much others have tried to push it on me.
How do you want to die?:
Quick and rough, thank you. Make it epic. :P
If given the choice, which group would you find yourself a member of - Hellsing, Millennium, Iscariot? Why?:
Hellsing. I think it’s interesting, its history and the people who work for the organization. Iscariot and Millennium just bother me.
Anything else we should know about you?:
I was sad to see that
hellsing_rating had been deleted, so I’m glad to be here. Other than that, nothing else.
Let us take a gander at you, or if not, a brief description, please:
^ Most recent.