All The Matching Socks Are In Heaven

Aug 02, 2007 23:04

Name: Kimmerly
Nicknames: Kimmi
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Do you want to be rated as an anime character or a manga/OVA character?: To Me It Doesn't Matter, I Have Read Some Of The Manga And Seen All Of The Anime, So really, Go To Town.
When members are voting, do you prefer to be rated as a male or a female character?: It doesn't matter.

Hobbies:I draw alot, I also sing and am very competitive with it. I have been in chorus since as long as I can remember, including a special chorus that was over the summer traveling around the state to sing. I also like to write, anything from poems to fanfics to novels, though I have yet to finish the one I am writing ^^;
Have any special talents?: I'll have to say that my greatest talent is singing. I have been singing for as long as I can remember, and I hope to go to Juiliard on my voice. However, I feel that I enjoy writing more. I am very good at it and can do it in my spare time as well as when it is an assigned thing.
What are your strengths?: I am very determined once I set my mind to something, as long as it is something that I am interested in, enough so to get past my attention problems.
What are your weaknesses?: Head strong, bad temper, making decisions without really thinking about it.
Have any bad habits we should know about?: I have plenty thanks to my OCD actually. One of them is nervously biting my nails. I also pace alot. And if you have colors or shapes around me that are not in a pattern, believe me, they will be when I'm done with them. I can't even eat withing separating my food into groups of colors.
Use six positive adjectives to best describe yourself: Good me: Kind, Down To Earth, Laid Back, Calm, Collected, Sweet
Use six negative adjectives to best describe yourself: Temper me: Hot Tempered, Bitchy, Headstrong, Terribly Impulsive, Mean, Thoughtless
Favorite book?: Anything romance, really, I absolutely love romance novels that are mixed in with fantasy. I love all of the Lord Of The Rings Novels, as well as Harry Potter. But My favorite book right now is probably Tithe by Holly Black
Favorite movie?: Transformers
Favorite Music Genre?: Anything Japanese. J-rock/J-pop along those lines
Favorite Hellsing character? Why?: Alucard, because he is loyal and has a strong set of beliefs. He is always by his masters side and he will do the job she has for him accurately and efficiently. He's insane, really, his battle techniques amaze me.

Day person or Night person?: I am as nocturnal as it get. I hate the sun and the outdoors while the sun is up. I am pretty much albino, but thanks to some hair dye I don't look it. Basically I have very pale skin and the sun bothers it to no end. Therefore, I prefer the night.
Realist or Idealist?: Hm... I'm going to say Idealist. I am always going after the things I want, no matter how unrealistic they are. I am slow to admit defeat. Even if I was searching for an alien life form in some tree fungus. However, I also dream. I am a big dreamer. I hold high standards and goals for myself, even if they don't seem possible to achieve.
Impulsive or Controlled?: I tend to rush into decisions sometimes it's because I panic other times it's because I think it's the best thing. I tend to base choices on my past. And sometimes I alienate people with my choices. I think that is why I like Yuki so much, I understand him and why he does things. But I have to say that I am definitely impulsive
Introvert or Extrovert?: I'm a little of both. I usually put other people before me alot of the time, always worrying about their needs first and never about mine, but at the same time I am a dreamer and do care about inner things. It's just that I care about people and their outer problems more than I care about mine. If I can help someone, I feel that is more important than my needs.
Master or Slave?: I'd say that I can be a little of both. I am very headstrong and can lead people very well, but at the same time, I am very hot tempered and will go through any lengths to get the things I want. It's not a good thing when my temper flares. Yet, I know when I am defeated, and around that time, if someone more equip comes along, I can become a follower. Sure, I'll have some opinions to throw at that person every once in a while, but any follower who wants to make sure they are lead right would.

How do you react to a stressful situation?: Poorly. I either get overly mad and freak out and snap and start to throw things and scream and fight. Or I crack in a different way and panic. I am very easy to set off into one of my rages and once I am there, it is hard for me to settle down.
If your friends or comrades are in trouble, what do you do?: Help them, of course, whether I become the one in trouble after that or not, you have to make sure that your friends are sfe.
In your group of friends, who are you?: I am the leader. I can take charge in any situation. Especially when my temper sets off. When I am angry I lead alot more.
What kind of relationship do you have with your family?: A rather weird one really, my family and I are on and off with being on good terms.
Do you prefer to work with a group or on your own?: On my own. While I can lead, I sometimes find it tedious, it is much easier to do things my way with one person, myself.
If you were a character in Hellsing, would you prefer to use guns or another weapon for defense? If other, what?: If they were guns like Alucard's guns all the way. Alucard has some really pretty guns. If it was just a regular gun, I'd have to think about it, I may take a sword in that case.
What are your thoughts on drinking blood?: It may sound strange, but I have a blood fetish. I personally think that blood tastes good. And while I would not drink it every day, I like the taste of it every once in a while. This may be too much info, but blood has a way of turning me on ^^; Yes, I am a strange bird.
Are you religious? If so, how religious are you? If not, why aren't you?: No, I don't really follow any religion at all. I don't like the restrictions of it. It's too bothersome.
How do you want to die?: In a way that someone would remember. Probably full of carnage and gore. I want my death to be so gruesome that even the person who did it will cringe. That is if I had to be murdered. If I had to die any other way, I'd say peacefully in my sleep. It's alot less painful, even if it is a tad boring.
If given the choice, which group would you find yourself a member of - Hellsing, Millennium, Iscariot? Why?:Hellsing, of course. Because I think that the Hellsing side all together rocks, and I am not as religious as iscariot... Also Alucard and Integra would be on my side, that automatically makes it rock.

Anything else we should know about you?: Not really, but if you have a further question, I suppose asking wouldn't hurt.
Let us take a gander at you:

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