I got tagged for this several days ago and am just now getting around to it. =P
annella, List sixteen random things about yourself, then tag sixteen people to do the same.
1) I love having my fingernails all painted and pretty, but I am simply too rough with them. After one day at work the paint will be all chipped and after day two it's pretty much a lost cause. I have considered the more durable fake french tips more than once, but I'm also lazy on upkeep for stuff like that and I would loathe having to go back every 2-3 weeks to get them touched up and filed down.
2) I've wanted to dye my hair for a while now or even do highlights, but...see #1. Lazy. =P
3) I use a lot of big words. It's not in an effort to seem smart, I just like how they sound/feel when I speak them or how pretty they look in a sentence. They stand out and catch attention and I like that. I know, word geek.
4) I ALWAYS have late night cravings. As it gets closer to midnight I start wanting to go snack in front of the fridge or, quite often, go to Taco Bell. But I get really weird dreams when I eat before bed, so I have a self-imposed two hour rule (as a bonus, my weight doesn't fluctuate anymore). I usually decide it's not worth it to eat something if I have to stay awake for another two hours. I dunno what I'll do if I'm ever pregnant.
5) I have the oddest habits of shyness. It's downright terrible when it's concerning people I don't know, but many times I don't even like talking on the phone to people I know very well because I get suddenly very nervous about talking to them. =\ Other times, however, I'll have absolutely no problem talking to anyone that'll listen to me. Of all things, in college I hated being in front of a class UNLESS I was purposefully making a complete ass of myself. Present a report with dignity? Oh please no. Completely overact and MIME the first parados from Antigone? Hell yes!
6) I could take all sorts of abuse from my trainer back when I was going to the gym regularly, but for the life of me running is the absolute worst thing about exercise. I know it's good for building lean muscle, but I'm not a good runner at all and I absolutely hate it. I would let her have me do stair exercises before making me jog out two miles, I wanted to avoid it so badly. Now it's probably one of the few things I can do for myself that would be really good and I still can't make myself do it.
7) I'm a tried and true packrat. I have so much stuff that I never use (toys or plush animals I never play with, books I haven't read more than once, journals I never wrote in, etc.) but cannot throw out or donate because of sentimental reasons. No, I mean a LOT. There are at least 3 coffin-sized boxes in the attic packed with stuff from my childhood, and even though I haven't seen it in over a decade or so I still can't imagine giving any of it away.
8) Along with the packrat thing, I'll often look around my room and go, "look at all this stuff! When was the last time I watched Inu Yasha? Or read anything by David Eddings? Why do I keep all these posters I've never put up? Avjbnjkgjdmnnbs I NEED TO REDO THIS ROOM OMG." Then I'll huff and sigh and not do anything about it. If you've seen my room, you'll understand why- it'd be a project of epic proportions. It's easier to just wait until I move out.
9) I sometimes say aloud whatever I'm typing, for no apparent reason. It happens when working on my writing, or in e-mails, IMs, etc. I've gotten weird looks from nearby people when I say aloud, "el-oh-el, what?" I'm only aware of doing it after the fact.
10) I got rid of all my paper bill statements and now get everything online. Which is fine only so long as I remember, and I have forgotten to make a few payments here and there. Thank God for the option of "hey stupid, we still need your money!" reminders that you can set to receive days before the due date, otherwise I would have to go back to paper just so I would have something to leave laying around to remind me.
11) I have such bad allergies but still absolutely hate to dust. You'd think I would do it just to help the allergy problem, but no. =P
12) I have a pretty demanding sweet tooth but don't ever eat that much at a time. I just sometimes need SOMETHING SWEET RITE NAO and then after a little bit the craving is gone and I'm good.
teh_dale once sent me six pounds of gummi bears and it took 3/4 of a year to get through all of them. Let's not even talk about what happened the Christmas he sent me TEN pounds.
13) Gummi bears are the key to my heart. But be forewarned, if you give them to me out of nowhere, I will become instantly suspicious. I'll wonder why you need me sedated on sugary wildlife happiness.
14) I don't like missing shows that I regularly watch. It's less to do with being a creature of habit (I mean, I am, but that's not the point here) and more to do with the fact that I'll record something and never watch it. I'm still behind on last season's Lost, for crying out loud. I'm hoping having a week to go will get me on that.
15) I'm a night person and reeeeeeeaaaally don't like mornings, but I'd still rather have morning shifts than closing ones. I'd rather leave work feeling like I have part of the day left to use. Besides, there's no guarantee I'd get anything done before going in to work, so morning shifts are about the only way I accomplish anything with my days.
16) Money has meaning to me only after the fact. I'll buy something (or several somethings) and then afterward I'll be doing my checkbook balancing and wonder, "was that really necessary?" Hence, I always need a cushion in my checking account. And I really don't like having to do math to decide if I CAN buy something that I want, or if I CAN take that mini road-trip I want to take. It's easier for me to cut myself off from spending for a while to build back up than it is to constantly monitor my finances.
I MADE IT TO 16!!!!!!
I tag the sixteen of you who really want to do this. Yeah, I mean you. =P