I need a way to run down the charge on a single AA battery. I have a million of them lying around and have no idea as to what charges some of them still have. I tried keeping apart the empties from those with SOME charge, but failed (I've sometimes changed out batteries for fresh ones, and the true empties just got mixed in
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Comments 3
I definitely hear you about mixing batteries up! You can recycle batteries? I remember being worried when I had to dispose of a 9 volt battery, because I thought you weren't supposed to throw them in the trash, but almost everything I read online said that was okay for 9 volt, AA and AAA batteries.
You CAN recycle batteries! \o/ I just ordered a battery-recycling kit from Waste Management so I can finally do so (they also have kits for home electronics and fluorescent bulbs). You're right, we're technically not supposed to toss batteries in the trash (the alkaline and other metals break down in not-so-nice ways) but most cities do not make it easy to recycle them or dispose of them properly. I keep thinking that'll change, with everyone doing better about taking care of our world, but I've still yet to see it. So I'm glad I've found an option for doing this...even if I do have to PAY to do the right thing, but it's a big box and it makes me feel better. =)
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